How To Create A Relaxing Atmosphere In Your Home

It is vital to ensure you get time and space to recuperate after long, busy days. Here are simple ways to create a relaxing atmosphere in your home.

Everyone needs a space to relax and unwind in their own homes, both for their mental health and overall well being. It can seem difficult to create a relaxing atmosphere on a budget but there are some simple things you can introduce to your home in order to create a peaceful space.

Relaxing after a long day dealing with the kids or working is vital to ensure you get that time to recover and feel revitalised for the next day.

Here are some tips on creating a relaxing atmosphere at home:

  1. Pick a space.

    It might not be possible to create a relaxing atmosphere all over the house, but you should be able to pick a space and make it work. For most people, the ideal space is a bedroom or a sitting room/living room. It also depends on where your children spend a lot of their time - if you have kids coming in and out, the room may never be relaxing!

  2. Get rid of the clutter.

    Once you have picked the perfect space, your next job should be getting rid of all the clutter and making it as simple looking as possible, minimalist if you will! If you have lots of stuff and can’t face throwing them out, then invest in some good storage solutions and hide things away to create the right type of relaxing mood. 

  3. Get some plants.

    If you like plants, they can offer a nice look in a room while also creating a calm, relaxing atmosphere. For those who aren’t green fingered, stick with some fake plants. While they may not have the health benefits of real plants, they still look cool. 
    How To Create A Relaxing Atmosphere In Your Home

  4. Lighting.

    There are lots of great lighting options when it comes to creating a relaxed atmosphere. Salt lamps are a nice idea but again, it depends on your lifestyle. While your idea of relaxing might be watching movies or binge watching a TV series, others might enjoy listening to chill out music and reading, which require different lighting.

  5. Candles.

    There is nothing quite like a scented candle to get you in the mood for relaxing. Although it might sound silly, make sure the scent creates a relaxed atmosphere - not something that reminds you of a place like work or someone else’s home. Creating your own space with the right scent can instantly allow you to relax. As smell is so powerful, you’ll only have to enter the room to feel relaxed which is exactly what you need. Take a trip to your local shop and find your trademark candle smell or if you aren’t a candle fan, essential oils can work well or pot pourri. 

  6. Materials and atmosphere.

    Items like comfy throws, cosy cushions and soft rugs can instantly make a room cosy and more relaxing. Mixed with an electric or real fire to add that level of relaxation, it makes for a perfect space to unwind. Make sure you have comfortable chairs or a sofa so you can laze with comfort. 


Emma Hayes

Emma Hayes is a busy mum to two girls aged 17 and 11 and is married to her childhood sweetheart.

Read more by Emma
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