How To Be Environmentally Friendly At Christmas

If we learnt one thing in 2019 it was that we need to pay more attention to our environment and be more friendly to it.

While many people have been considering environmental friendliness for years, this year there has been a lot more discussion on the environment and climate change.

There is no point in waiting around for new rules about wrapping paper or cards to come into effect. We should make a difference now by making some little changes that will impact our environment less.

Here are some tips on how to be environmentally friendly at Christmas.

  1. It’s all about the wrapping.

    Wrapping paper is one thing that we all need to take seriously this year. Most of the wrapping paper we buy is not recyclable and while it looks lovely, it is not friendly to our environment, so it is best to look at other options.

    Some simple options include wrapping presents in newspaper and adding reusable items like holly, ribbon or cardboard ties. If you are smart about it, you can use them again next year too. Another good tip is reusing wrapping paper that you get from friends or family. Fold it away nicely and it can be used next year instead of filling up landfill sites. You could find brown recyclable brown paper in shops and use that with twine to make the presents look unique too. 

  2. Look at Christmas cards.

    If you are sending Christmas cards, source ones that use recycled paper and remember that glitter is hard to recycle so it is not ideal to use it. Some people may decide to not send cards as they are bad for the environment but if you are responsible, you can still send them without the guilt. Making your own is another option, using cardboard and paper you have accumulated at home.  How To Be Environmentally Friendly At Christmas

  3. Buy what you need.

    Another way to be environmentally friendly is to not buy too much food for the festive season that will be thrown into the bin. Buy what you need - you can do this by making a shopping list, checking your cupboards carefully. If you are having parties, then plan it well so you can limit the amount of food that may be thrown away. Drinks, sweets and biscuits have a good use by date, and you can pop away ones that don’t get used for later. However, if you are serving fresh food, don’t go overboard and consider the number of guests you will have over. This will help to reduce waste.

  4. Mind the energy.

    Winter is a time when the heating and electricity bills shoot up so try and be mindful of what you are using. Fill the washing machine before turning it on and the same for the dryer or dishwasher. Time the heating for times that it is needed to come on and if you usually have it on early for the school run, you can reduce that by timing it for later in the morning as no one will be up real early anyway. Look at energy-efficient lighting options and make sure you turn off everything properly each evening.

Emma Hayes

Emma Hayes is a busy mum to two girls aged 17 and 11 and is married to her childhood sweetheart.

Read more by Emma
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