Reasons Why Your Teen Might Be Moody

Teenagers are notoriously moody and a lot of the time, it may seem like they're just being difficult but that isn’t always the case.

There are a lot of things going on in your teen's life and they have not mastered the art of managing stress as adults do. It is also important to note that all teenagers are different - some might be moodier than others - so it is about understanding your own child's moods.

Here are some reasons why teens can be moody:

Schoolwork and exam stress.

One of the major stress triggers is schoolwork amongst teenagers. Schoolwork, homework and exams is enough to stress out adults never mind impressionable teens. There is certainly a lot more pressure on teenagers than there was years ago as teenagers strive to achieve excellent Leaving Certificate points even though it may negatively affect their mental health.

Parents need to ensure they don’t put too much pressure on their teenagers as it could cause a lot of mental stress and ultimately, affect their physical and mental health.

Teenagers may be moody now and again, but if your teen is consistently so and you know it is due to exam and schoolwork, then you may need to intervene and look at ways to reduce the pressure. 

Schoolwork, homework and exams is enough to stress out adults never mind impressionable teens.

Friendship and love.

Teenagers go through a funny time of finding friends, losing them and then taking their first steps into relationships with a boyfriend or a girlfriend. This is hugely confusing and again, stressful.

Some teenagers will have a good set of friends and feel secure but for others, they may be consistently losing pals and having petty squabbles with them.

We know bullying is a huge problem in schools and teens face the pressures of having all the best things including, phones, runners or coats from certain brands.

Reasons Why You
Teenagers go through a funny time of finding friends, losing them and then taking their first steps into relationships with a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

These things can catapult some teenagers to the popular groups which is incredibly upsetting for your teen, considering these things shouldn’t overly matter. While this may seem a silly thing to get upset over, understand that this is your teen's world. Talk to them openly and find ways to empathize with them as much as you can.

Hormones and physical changes.

This is the science bit. A lot of teenagers are moody because it is simply a scientific fact. The changes in hormones play havoc on their feelings and emotions, leaving them hitting out at their parents.

Some teenagers find the changes embarrassing and others find it hard to keep up with their peers. The pressure is on to have a good body and a picture-perfect smile – and this isn’t just the girls either, as there is now increased pressure on boys to have a certain body type.

Don’t forget that teenagers’ brains keep developing into their early 20’s and therefore they can’t control their emotions. This leads to irritable behaviour and moodiness. 

Mix in the problems with skin and hair, then you can understand why your teen is moody. Don’t forget that teenagers’ brains keep developing into their early 20’s and therefore they can’t control their emotions. This leads to irritable behaviour and moodiness. 

Freedom woes.

One of the biggest triggers that causes teenagers to lash out at parents is not being allowed to do what they want. Teens are going to want to have freedom and they don’t understand why parents are preventing that. This causes a lot of issues at home, though parents have no choice but to keep the boundaries. 

Teenagers will continue to be moody and this is perfectly normal but if you are worried about your teen and their moods, talk to them and then talk to your doctor. 

Emma Hayes

Emma Hayes is a busy mum to two girls aged 17 and 11 and is married to her childhood sweetheart.

Read more by Emma
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