It’s rolling in! Quite possibly quicker than we thought it would, but nevertheless, back to school is right around the corner.
The Aisling copybooks are labelled, the book list ticked off, extra socks rolled, and new shiny shoes (a half size too big to make it through the year), are all ready and waiting for that first day back. If you’re like me, you may consider the first day of the school year a celebratory occasion as we jump back into a familiar routine.
My youngest is starting junior infants and as we have done every year since her older sister started school, the first day of school is full of rituals. Here are some of our favourites (and full disclosure, I most definitely do not do all of these every year!) for you to pick and choose to add to your family traditions.
The First Day Of School Photo
Every household in Ireland will be snap-happy and posing for those first-day shots. It’s amazing to see how much our kids change throughout the years. Blink and we could miss it. Add in an "All About Me" sign and see how your kids’ attitudes, dreams, and interests change too. There are some really nice pre-designed chalkboards available to buy, but do as I do, and haphazardly draw one yourself on an A4 sheet. There’s nothing wrong in a little DIY! Include their age, class, favourite foods, best friends’ names or what they want to be when they grow up.
Read A Special Book
Some kids may feel apprehensive about the new school year, so help your child to feel safe and secure by reading a book that comforts and soothes them while also encourages and supports them as they embark on a new school year.
Lunch Box Notes
Not exclusively reserved for the first day of school, adding a lunch box note can brighten up those jitters many kids feel on their first day of school.
Happy Healthy Breakfast
Start as you mean to go on with a good breakfast for your kids before they hit their desks and books at school. For that first morning, assemble those breakfasts into the shape of a face to get their morning off to a giggling start.
First Day Cake
And when they tumble in the front door, kick off their shoes, and leave their bags loitering in the middle of the hall (in the hope of no homework for the first day back), why not have a cake, or cupcakes, or the fancy ice pops waiting for them as a treat for making it through their first day back.
Create A Vision Board Or Scrapbook
Use magazine and newspaper cutouts to make a vision board of what they are looking forward to most this year, and what dreams, wishes, and aspirations they have for the forthcoming year.