Signs That Us Mums Are Still Big Babies!

Sometimes it's us that need to 'grow up'!!

Once your kids are a bit older you might find yourself telling them to grow up and act their age...
However sometimes even us mum’s can behave like big babies! Here's how:
Our love of ice cream
The sound of the ice cream van approaching is music to our ears. It’s not only our kids that get excited; we love the opportunity to choose something yummy for ourselves too. From the traditional 99 to mouth watering Magnums, on a hot day nothing beats it.
Christmas time
Deep down we still have a big love of Santa and we adore the magic of Christmas; a trip to a Santa’s grotto is the highlight of the holiday season. Are we definitely too old to put out a stocking?
Visits to the dentist
An appointment with the dentist is the most dreaded thing in our diary. We know it’s essential but it doesn’t stop us acting like wimps. Is it too much to ask to bring someone along to hold our hand?
Being looked after when we’re ill
Even if we only have a sniffle, when we’re sick we want cuddles, to be snuggled up with a blanket and someone to be at our beck and call. The best thing to make us feel better is lots of love and attention.
Going to the beach
Feeling the sand between our toes, splashing in the sea and building sandcastles; there’s no better day out than a trip to the beach with the bucket and spades.
Fancy Dress
Little one’s love getting dressed up whether it’s Elsa from Frozen or Woody from Toy Story but there’s no reason to stop just because we’re older. Themed parties are a great way to celebrate our birthdays and the best part is looking at all the photos afterwards.
Bedtime story
Just because we’re adults it doesn’t mean we’ve grown out of wanting to have a bedtime story. Thank goodness for audio books and podcasts; I don’t think our partners would be too happy having to read to us as well as our kids!
It can be hard to wean your baby off having their last bottle; they love how it relaxes and comforts them before they go to sleep. We know exactly how they feel; we’d be horrified if someone tried to stop us having our bottle (of wine) before bed too!
Written by Irish mummy blogger and staff writer at www.familyfriendlyhq.ieJennie.
Check out her blog


Jennie Dennehy

Jennie Dennehy is Mama to two gorgeous boys and is a Writer and Blogger. Her life is full of laughs and Lego and she’s always longing for a hot, frothy coffee.

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