Babysitters Are Like Gold Dust: Here Are Four Ways To Keep Yours Happy

We’re constantly told that date nights are important for parents but if you want to go "out, out", you need someone to stay "in, in" and that someone is a babysitter.

Tracking a suitable babysitter down is a challenge in itself, but once you’ve achieved that the next obstacle is hanging onto them for dear life… Here are four ways to ensure that your babysitters don’t leave you hanging.

Pay Up

Some babysitters will let you know their rate if you ask, or alternatively, ask a few parents that live in your area what they pay. You could also check if they have their own transport, how far they’ll need to drive, or if they need a taxi or a lift home as this may affect what you pay them. While you don’t want to pay over the odds, you also want to make sure that they pick up the phone the next time you call.

Snack Attack

Another way to keep them happy is to put out a selection of snacks for them to help themselves to once the kiddies are tucked up in bed. If you want to be extra considerate, ask what their favourite treats are or if you’re hiring them for the whole evening see if they’d like you to order a takeaway. Don’t forget soft drinks too, leave out tea and sugar and show them how to use the coffee machine if you have one.

Netflix And Chill

Hopefully, if your kids behave, they’ll have plenty of time left over to sit back and relax so make sure that they know how to use your remote. Netflix is a pretty safe bet and you could even let them know if there are any movies you rate highly. Make sure you log them into the most relevant profile too (probably yours), you don’t want their ‘Top Picks’ section to be filled with ‘Peppa Pig’ and ‘Paw Patrol’ though that could be handy if there are any nightmares.

Timing Is Everything

No doubt you’ll be watching the clock while you’re out so you don’t get a big bill once you get home, but if anything unexpected comes up (like your taxi being a no-show) make sure you let the babysitter know you’ve been delayed. While us parents rarely have plans after 10 pm, your sitter could well have their own night out planned once you return! Those were the days…

Jennie Dennehy

Jennie Dennehy is Mama to two gorgeous boys and is a Writer and Blogger. Her life is full of laughs and Lego and she’s always longing for a hot, frothy coffee.

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