6 Ways To Cheat The Housework So You Can Put Your Feet Up

There's more to life than wasting hours scrubbing floors, cleaning bathrooms and dusting. Isn't there?

There's more to life than wasting hours scrubbing floors, cleaning bathrooms and dusting. Isn't there? The dust just comes back the very next day, or the kids trash the house in nanoseconds once your back is turned. That being said, it has to be done, however... if you're a housework hater, you'll love these 6 tips to cheating on your household chores.
Use Bath Time As An Opportunity To Clean The Bathroom
Myself and my partner are usually both involved in the bath-time ritual at least once a week. I pick that day to clean the bathroom. While my partner sits beside the bath and entertains my son in the tub, I whip out the marigolds and clean the toilet, sink area and change the towels and face cloths etc. It's one of the only times I can clean the bathroom without fear of waking up my napping baby, AND the steam from the bath water usually makes it easier to clean the surfaces. I then run over the floor with a mop when he has gone to bed after his bath. It feels like killing two birds with one stone as I would be hanging out in the bathroom anyway!
Keep Your Hallway Clear By Purchasing A Storage Unit
Your hallway is the first thing you see when you enter your house. If it is messy and full of clutter it will automatically make you see the entire house as being a lot worse than it actually is. First impressions and all that. Why not purchase a storage unit. Something as simple as a brightly coloured laundry basket. You can stash the shoes, hats, gloves and buggy rain cover that have you tripping over your own feet. Out of sight, out of mind.
Leave The Hoover Plugged In Or At Least Accessible and Not Hidden Away
This has been a game changer for me. The effort of putting the hoover away neatly in it's storage place only to need it an hour later when my son emptied a tub of fish food all over the living room floor. The hoover is something I use 2-3 times a day in some form. So I've submitted to the whole thing. It now lives in the middle of the room in plain sight. VERY handy when you have five minutes notice that an unexpected guest is calling around for tea.
Embrace The Drawer Of “Crap”
We all have one. Use it with pride my friend. Blue-tack, egg cups, random birthday candles and broken crayons? Just a couple of the items that can currently be found in mine. Sometimes it is the only solution.
Use High Chair Time To Your Advantage
You know those couple of minutes just after your child has finished their lunch and they are still in the high chair? I use this time to my advantage and quickly whiz through the washing up in the sink. I sing, dance, make funny faces and do whatever I have to do to keep him happy there for the five minutes while I tackle some of the things that he simply won't tolerate when he is mobile. It's amazing what five minutes with two free hands can result in.
Rethink Your Storage
Get rid of the things that make it more difficult to keep your home tidy. Sometimes this is as simple as re-thinking the way you store clothes, toys and food. On a day to day basis it could make a massive difference. 
Written by Tracey, mummy blogger and staff writer with www.familyfriendlyhq.ie
Check out her own blog at love-of-living.blogspot.ie

Tracey Quinn

Proud mum of two who got married on Don't Tell The Bride and had an accidental home-birth (loves a good story). She's passionate about breastfeeding, positive thinking & all things cosy.

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