Why Food Is Fuel

Food is a massive part of our lives, without it well, we would not exist. For some, it can be a joy, for others, merely a basic necessity but there is no getting around it, we need it. 

Apart from the obvious why is food so important?

They say that food is fuel but what they often forget to mention is how the type of food is implicitly important in the quality of that fuel. 

We are literally made up of what we eat. The quality of our structure, down to a cellular level, depends entirely on the quality of the food eat daily. 

Why Food Is Fuel
They say that food is fuel but what they often forget to mention is how the type of food is implicitly important in the quality of that fuel. 

One of the greatest challenges our society faces is the fight against preventable diseases like diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Understanding how making the best and most nutritious food choices plays a vital role in our health, with the power to impact our risk of disease.

For example:

  • It has been argued that manuka honey has the ability to heal but it has to be the best quality.
  • Research also shows that different ways of life and diet can protect against metabolic syndrome, helps prevent and control diabetes, may reverse fatty liver disease, and possibly slash the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Hands down, home cooking is best. Eating home-made food has repeatedly been shown to be the most healthy and nutritious way to eat. Research has found that those who cook at home, eat less sugar, fat and carbohydrates and the more they cook at home the fewer calories they consume. 


Laura Doyle

Mum of four, Gentle parent living on coffee and trying always to stay positive and motivate in the midst of the madness.

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