Can we tempt you to use one of these VERY unique names for your pending arrival?

Choosing baby names is one of the most enjoyable elements of pregnancy. But it can also the most daunting. There is so much to contemplate when it comes to finding the right name.

We have been researching some of the coolest names that are pretty uncommon. So if you’re on the hunt for an individual title for your adoring tot, we consider these high contenders. 

  1. Perla - A short form of Pearl. Comes from the hard round object produced with a living shelled mollusc.
  2. Tessie - An abbreviation of Teresa and a once-popular name. It means "harvester". 
  3. Sia - A shortened version of the Irish name Sianna which translates to "God is gracious".
  4. Elodie - This stunning name is a French form of Elodia which means "wealth". 
  5. Fern - An elegant and nature-inspired name taken from the old English fern plant. 
  6. Luella - A precious name and a familiar form of Louise. It means "famous warrior".
  7. Danica - An uber-cool Slavic name meaning "morning star" or "Venus".
  8. Thalia - A very unusual baby name meaning "to blossom". It is also the name of one of The Nine Muses in Greek mythology.
  9. Vega - A super trendy gender-neutral Scandinavian name meaning "falling star".
  10. Aria - A firm Italian name meaning "lioness of God". It is also a form of Ariel, one of our favourite Disney princesses
  11. Iggy - A fiery name of English origin. It is a diminutive form of Ignatius. 
  12. Ellery - A unisex English name, and a form Hilary. 
  13. Effie - Almost seems a little made up, but we love it here at FFHQ. It’s a Greek name and means "well spoken of".
  14. Briar - Did you know this was Sleeping Beauty’s real name? It means "thorny bush of wild roses".
  15. Emmy - A pet form of Emma or Emily meaning "whole". It’s of German origin.
  16. Ettie - This name is usually a nickname for Colette or Juliette, but as a standalone name, it’s beautiful. It means "little".  
  17. Luna - A mighty name, meaning "moon".
  18. Zuri - A contemporary Swahili name that stands out from the crowd. It means "beautiful".