Even take the kids out and leave your partner to have some time alone for a bit. We all need some time alone sometimes.

Raising little ones at times, can be stressful. Especially when you are not feeling motivated. Between yourself and your partner you get through it though, usually with one feeling less stressed and taking charge.

But what happens when you are both feeling stressed and overwhelmed? When you both feel a little unmotivated and exhausted from it all. How can you help each other to feel less stressed and more motivated?

Get out of the house

If you are a parent you will know that kids cooped up in the house for too
long is just a recipe for disaster. After every toy is played with and
their energy is not getting burned as quickly as they need it to be
pretty soon boredom starts to get the better of them and they end
up somewhere between hyper and irritable. The same applies to the
parents! When you feel the irritability washing over try as best you
can to just drop everything and get out of the house. Even a walk
around the block with help clear the cobwebs and have everyone
feeling better afterwards. Fresh air is great for improving motivation levels.

When you feel the irritability washing over try as best you can to just drop everything and get out of the house

Take over

As it goes usually one of you will feel a little more stressed than the
other. If you feel your partner is feeling a little more stressed than
you try if you can to take charge. Even take the kids out and leave
your partner to have some time alone for a bit. We all need some
time alone sometimes.

Take a night off

If possible book a babysitter for some time just the two of you. The
break will not only leave you feeling more motivated and connected to one another. It will also help you to relax, recharge and hopefully return with a
new refreshed perspective on things. Even if you book it weeks in advance, sometimes looking forward to some alone time will be great motivation to get through a difficult day/week.

Get some exercise

We know by now the benefits of exercise on our body and mind. We
also should know that keeping on top of your mental health is as
important when you’re feeling good as when you are not. Pencil in
some regular exercise for yourself and for your partner. Your family
will reap the benefits.