Bear with us, as we know this sounds a little crazy but honestly, having been through all stages of parenting, the tween years have probably been the easiest.

They're not as stressful as independent teenagers and there are more sleep opportunities than that of the toddler and baby years. Furthermore, young kids are still a bit of work with a huge amount of demands but tweens? They're lots of fun.

Here are some of the reasons why the tween years could be the best few years of parenting:

Their independence is starting - but not too much.

While tweens are beginning to look for some independence away from you, they still love seeing their parents and enjoy their company. This is the best of both worlds as while you can give them some space with their friends you can still spend time with them.

Basically, you’ll drop them at a pal for a sleepover, but you’ll get a cuddle when they get home the next day. They’ll want to walk into school alone, but they’ll still be happy to see you at the school gate!

During the tween years, they are beginning to become proper little people.

This may sound silly but of course, they are proper people, but during the tween years, kids suddenly begin to share their opinions and become aware of the world around them. They decide what they believe in and as they are in school and learning a huge amount, the conversations are interesting and engaging.

While tweens are beginning to look for some independence away from you, they still love seeing their parents and enjoy their company.

You may find they suddenly care about climate change, animal rights and social issues. This is an exciting time, when they are growing up and finding their way in the busy world. You may find you are observing their future career path, whatever it may be. 

Tweens are fun.

As they are getting older, you’ll find you can bring them to restaurants, parties and events that you may not have been able to before. They may be well able to manage social situations and have fun doing so.

Not all tweens would like to go to parties, but some will and as they are great conversationalists, you’ll find them to be good company when you are alone or in company. They’ll still be able to laugh at themselves and enjoy silly jokes with you instead of getting moody with you like teenagers do!

A little more rest.

As tweens are changing, you’ll find they like to sleep more in the mornings and even if they do wake up early, they can keep themselves amused instead of waking you up. They’ll be able to get themselves some cereal and they’ll be happy to leave you in peace when you are tired.

Tweens don’t mind sitting around for a few hours if they have a good book or something to watch on TV and they’ll love getting creative too with painting or drawing.

It makes parenting that little bit easier as you can get some things done yourself while they do their own thing, but they’ll still enjoy family games and moments. 

What do you think - are the tween years the best years?