Relentless. It’s the one word I keep coming back to now we’ve found ourselves in lockdown again with the kids hanging off our belts and fridge doors. The demands are full-on as we all figure out how to create a routine until we find normality again. On top of that, many of us are working from home, juggling the demands of our jobs, our homes, and our kids.

It can feel impossible to find even the smallest bit of space or time for yourself. Finding the quickest five minutes to breathe and give ourselves some time to regroup can seem impossible.

We all know how important self-care is, but how do we carve out time for any kind of care when locked down with the kids?

Get Up Earlier

I am not a morning person, but I have found that if I want to have my coffee and toast in peace, I need to get up early before the little rays of sunshine join me in the kitchen. Those twenty minutes of calm before virtual schooling and the bedlam of pandemic days, helps to set me up for the day.

Go to Bed Later or Earlier

If evening is the only time of the day when the house is quiet and the chores are more or less done, then take the opportunity to pause and do something kind for yourself. Or if you’ve been struggling to sleep lately like so many of us, go to bed early and catch up on sleep. Even if it's 8 pm and the kids have just nodded off, prioritising sleep can really lift your mood.

Lean In

Finding time for ourselves is not easy when our entire lives are focused within our four walls. Our kids are going through some major upheavals as well and may find they need the comfort of clinging on to you. Lean in and carve out time for yourself by reading your book as they play around you. Get under a blanket and watch a movie with the kids. But most importantly be mindful of being in the moment.

Share the Load

When it comes to self-care, set boundaries with your partner, and ensure they know that 6 pm is the time you go for a walk. Let them dish up dinner and bath the kids while you take that time for you. And vice-versa. Look after each other’s self-care.

And Finally

Switch off. Turn the news off. Avoid scrolling on social media. Read a book. Indulge in a movie. Meditate. And remember to take everything one day at a time. If you didn’t manage to carve out time for yourself today, there is always tomorrow.