It comes in waves, doesn't it? One minute you're grand and enjoy the little bubble of being at home...

The next minute the magnitude of the situations hits you all at once and the feeling of overwhelm kicks in.

If you'd have told me this time last year that schools would be closed, that we'd be juggling working from home while minding children and trying to home-school, oh and you also can't leave your house unless it's an emergency, I would not have believed you at all. Yet here we are.

These last few weeks have been tough. The whole world has been turned upside down. All this change and upheaval is hard to deal with and can be very overwhelming.

If you are struggling, we want you to know that that is ok. And most importantly we want you to know that there is help out there for you. 

A fantastic online resource called has launched to provide therapy sessions online. Originally was set up to help those who were faced with barriers to traditional face to face therapy such as location, time constraints, not being able to find a therapist who was a good fit for their needs, and also the stigma of seeking help. But now in these strange and difficult times, it is making therapy sessions accessible for all who are at home and in need of support. 

So whether you were attending therapy already and you have had to cancel your sessions, or you are looking for some extra support during these times, can help.

Founder of, Michael O’Carroll, said:

We want to make therapy accessible to everyone. Those looking for therapy can find out a little more about their counsellor, psychotherapist or psychologist, communicate with them, check their availability, make bookings, process payments easily and arrange live online sessions all from the comfort of their own home. This is especially important due to the impact of COVID-19.

In addition to this, we are involved in an initiative with ‘A Lust For Life’ and Niall Breslin, where counsellors and therapists can sign up to offer free Psychological First Aid to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are happy to be able to facilitate this in these difficult times.”

If you think this might be something that can help you, check out