March 20 officially marked the arrival of spring here in the northern hemisphere. So, why not get in full spring-cleaning mode?

The mornings are getting brighter and the evenings are getting longer. With Easter just around the corner in a couple of weeks, it's high time you sifted through every room in your house to spring declutter.

Here are some tips on how you and your family can have your home looking spick and span in no time at all.

Tackle Every Room

It might sound like a lot of effort, but it really isn't. Taking each room one at a time is the easiest way to declutter in the house, especially if there are multiple bodies on hand to help. Get the children to help with their bedrooms too, asking them which toys they no longer want, and checking which clothing they have grown out of. Don't forget to inspect the garden, where you could even start growing your own vegetables and herbs.

Get Your Marie Kondo On

Be honest with yourself - there are plenty of items in that wardrobe that no longer "spark joy" in you these days, aren't there? While there might be plenty of gúnas and going out clothes that you may not have worn for quite some time (coming this summer...!) there are bound to be some everyday clothes that are on their last legs. From socks and underwear, to hats and scarves, be sure to go through EVERYTHING in that wardrobe of yours. Make sure to do this with your partner and their clothing too.

Bin Those Gammy Hangers

Wire hangers are in every single Irish household - that's a fact! It's time to bin them and upgrade your hangers to something a little bit more pleasing. Your clothing will thank you for it too. Before doing this spring declutter, head online to your local home store to see if they do next day delivery straight to your door.

Create Your Own DIY Cleaner

Now that everything you no longer need has been taken care of, you're going to want to give the place a nice deep clean. You can save so much space in your recycling bin - and your pocket - by creating your own DIY cleaner. Putting clove oil on your vacuum nozzle is supposed to be great for cleaning carpets; while combining baking soda and vinegar and putting into a spray bottle will help clean your whole kitchen. Create your own deodoriser and the place will be smelling lovely too.

Bin It All Economically

If you've got a black sack full of clothing fit for the charity shop, you'll have to hold onto it a little while longer until the shops are open once again. You could keep it in the boot of the car so that it's out of the house at least.

Having a designated glass recycling area in your house is a great way of keeping everything looking tidy. A strong and sturdy cardboard box with a lid is a marvellous way to keep the unsightly jars out of eyesight. If you have slightly older children (not toddlers), why not get them to help you design and colour the box so that your trip to the glass bank is a little bit brighter.