It’s all well and good having a million and one ideas on how to improve your home, but finding the time to do them is a whole different story, especially when you’re a mum.

You could have Pinterest boards coming out of your ears and a head brimming full of paint colours, but if you never actually get the chance to put your plans into action, they’re nothing but daydreams. Why not put your big plans on hold and start by making little changes instead? Here are five home improvements you can do in a flash.

Cushiony Soft

Once the kids are safely tucked up in bed, there’s nothing better than planting yourself on your couch and snuggling into the cushions. However, wouldn’t it be even nicer if the cushions looked as good as they feel? For an update that can be done in the time it takes to make a cup of tea, simply switch the cushion covers for something more stylish. Of course, you’ll have to factor in some shopping to pick them out, but any of the high street stores that sell homeware will have them.

Green Fingers

There’s something about fresh flowers that instantly lifts our mood so next time you’re doing the weekly shop, treat yourself to a bunch and display them in your kitchen. Even something that simple can make a room instantly feel brighter and more appealing. And if you’d prefer something that would last longer, pick up a few house plants instead and let the kids be responsible for looking after them.  

What A Load Of Crock

Sticking with the kitchen, take a few minutes to go through your crockery and take out anything that’s chipped or faded. If you’ve gone to the trouble of cooking a delicious dinner, the last thing you want is to be eating off a plate that’s seen better days. We all love our coffee first thing in the morning, but if you take a sip from a chipped cup, you’re going to need more than caffeine to perk you up. You’ll appreciate it (and so will dinner party guests) if you’ve got matching plates and cups that are untarnished; just keep them out of reach from little hands...

Make A Good First Impression

We all know first impressions are important and we also know the relief that comes with turning the key in the lock after a long day. Make some little home improvements to your entranceway by updating or cleaning your doormat, adding a seasonal wreath to your front door, polishing or modernising your house number and putting a bright new bulb into your porch light. You’ll be getting admiring looks from the neighbours in no time.

Shiny Happy People

Wouldn’t we all love our homes to look shiny and new? Forget putting in a new kitchen, sometimes a little tweak is all it takes to make your house look different. We underestimate the importance of kitchen cupboards and drawer handles, by simply changing the style or material they’re made from they can make the room feel on trend again. Now all you need to do is keep sticky fingers off them!