The 72-hour live stream event will be taking place this weekend, which will have activities for you and all of the family to take part in.

With every bit of our culture still unfortunately closed for the time being, why not tune into the St. David's Day festival to get your booster shot of the arts? Taking place for free this weekend, the virtual festival will cover arts and culture, music, food, storytelling and even stargazing.

The festival is being rolled out by the Welsh Government to highlight the importance of "doing good things", or "gwnewch y pethau bychain”. Interestingly, these words are considered to be St. David’s most famous words and ones that Welsh people try to live by.

He believed that the people of Wales should do the small, considerate things that often make a big difference. In today's world, we could all do with remembering these important words!

And so, ahead of the country's celebration of their national saint on March 1, those yearning for a bit of culture have the opportunity to immerse themselves in more than 25 interactive events themed around positive well-being while showcasing the rich culture and heritage of Wales.

Taking place from Friday, February 26 to Monday, March 1, activities which individuals, families, and friends can tune into include Yoga classes; a live wellness Q&A with Irish yogi Maura Rath, as well as Welsh yoga expert Alecs Donovan; a magical retelling of the story of St. David with singer-songwriter Cerys Matthews; plus, there will be stargazing with a first-hand view of the Welsh stars from the International Dark Skies Reserve.

Even Welsh actor Luke Evans has been busy promoting the event, which can be viewed over the weekend across all social media channels.

So why not get the friends and family in your household together this weekend and settle in for some Welsh-themed St. David's Day festivities? To get involved, all you have to do is head along to the Wales website or tune in via the @walesdotcom social channels on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.