If you're looking for an easy craft that will also save you on the recycling, these toilet paper roll butterflies are the way to go.

You don't need us to tell you how hard quarantine has been on us all, kids included. After a particularly difficult week or a hard day of learning (or just coping), it is lovely to have a fun craft or treat lined up for them. If you've tried pretty much every craft you could find, these toilet paper roll butterflies might be your new best friend. They are quick, easy and can be made with things you most likely already have at home.

We found this craft on thebestideasforkids.com and we cannot wait to try it out for ourselves.

You will need:

  • – Toilet paper roll
  • – Small googly eyes
  • – Coloured buttons
  • – Cardstock or paper (the colour you want your wings to be)
  • – Acrylic paint
  • – Pipe Cleaner
  • – Small pom poms
  • – Black sharpie
  • – Butterfly wing template (you can download a template or draw/trace one yourself).

How to make toilet paper roll butterflies:

  1. Paint the toilet paper rolls.

    Paint your toilet paper roll whatever colour you like. You make have to go over it with a couple of coats for lighter, pastel colours. Leave it aside to dry.

  2. Cut out your butterfly wing shape.

    Fold a sheet of card in half and draw your butterfly wing shape. You can download a template online or simply draw/trace one yourself - it doesn't have to be fancy! Once you've done this, you can cut out the wing shape.

  3. Decorate your butterfly wings.

    This is the fun part - you can decorate your butterfly wings with whatever you like! Think of beautiful butterfly wing patterns and let your imagination run free with buttons, glitter, gems, or whatever you have to hand.

  4. Make the antennae using a pipe cleaner and pompoms.

    Get a small pipe cleaner and fold it in half. Then curl the ends outwards so they look like little antennae. You can then add small pompoms to the curled ends of the pipe cleaner using glue.

  5. Add the antennae to the toilet paper roll.

    Glue the antennae to the inside top of the toilet paper roll. Then, glue two googly eyes to the front of the toilet paper roll near the top, and draw on a smile with a marker.

  6. Glue the wings to the toilet paper roll.

    Finally, glue your beautiful butterfly wings to the toilet paper roll and there you have it, your very own homemade butterfly.

Source: thebestideasforkids.com / Pinterest

If you're looking for more fun ways to keep your family entertained at home, check out our #FamilyFun30 challenge. Every week on our Instagram we reveal some fun, mindful activities that you can do with your family now, or whenever you like. Check it out on our Instagram page.
