It’s time to fill the school holidays once again this Easter and after the first couple of days of freedom, our kids attention spans and ability to entertain themselves can wander.

So, how so we entertain our kids this Easter at home (and preferably without spending a cent)? Simple! With lots of Easter-themed ideas!

Easter Egg Hunt

It’s a given that we will all explore an Easter egg hunt or two this year, but instead of simply hiding small eggs in the long grass, let’s think outside the box. This year why not explore the idea of a treasure hunt with the kids answering riddles to find the next clue until they hop their way to a golden egg!

Easter Fun And Games

We can play sports games like the sack race any day of the year, but when you theme games the fun can really start. Easter-themed games like the egg and spoon race or finding a free Easter bingo printable online are great ways to keep the little ones entertained.

Easter Crafts

Crafting with kids often requires a little bit of prep time, but for all the potential clean up in the end, it’s absolutely worth it. Kids love to explore their imaginations, so give them the opportunity to make Easter ducks, rabbits, and eggs to decorate the kitchen windows.

Messy Play

Again, messy play is likely to end up with glue and glitter stuck haphazardly to the dining room chairs, or goo trails on the floor. But never fear, kids of all ages will spend hours exploring the mess. If slime is not your favourite thing, why not freeze toys in blocks of ice and get the kids to rescue their toys the next morning!

Decorate An Easter Tree

The Easter tree is becoming more and more popular as the years go by. Decorating a tree with bunnies, carrots, and eggs is great fun and adds to the celebration of Easter. Dig about in the attic for a suitable tree or bring a large branch in from the garden. Even better, make the decorations before popping them on the tree. A guaranteed afternoon of fun.

Make An Easter Wreath

It may seem like I am an advocate for arts and crafts, but I have found even the most reluctant kid enjoy a crafting session once they get stuck in. And what better to make than an Easter or springtime wreath? Using pom poms, eggs, ribbon, and floral arrangements, the kids can rustle up their own idea for a door wreath.

Use The Leftovers

And if you think I am an advocate for crafting, then know that I am also a fan of baking. Even though baking with kids is a messy and laborious experience, they love it. Use the leftover Easter eggs to make sweet treats such as chocolate slabs, rice crispy buns, and mud cakes.