What if we were to focus on a daily to-be list rather than a to-do list? By putting an emphasis on "being" we might find ourselves tuning in to how we feel or how we wish to feel.

In these difficult times it is comforting to set ourselves a list of tasks or goals for each day. It helps us structure the day and feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of it. To-do lists work really well for chores around the house as well as work tasks and activities. But here's the thing - we were born to be and not to do.

A lot of people measure the "success" of their day by reflecting on the things they did. By assessing how many things they crossed off the to-do list they can rate the day as being a good day or a bad day. Productivity and work becomes the most important barometre. The problem is that it doesn't take feelings in to consideration. In this frame of mind we become creatures of doing rather than creatures of being. We were born to do more than cross tasks off a list. We are not robots. We were born to be.

What if we were to focus on a daily to-be list rather than a to-do list? By putting an emphasis on "being" we might find ourselves tuning in to how we feel or how we wish to feel. For example, this week I want to feel healthy, safe and calm. By setting that intention I am suddenly in a place of lining things up to help me achieve that. I am thinking about my overall well-being rather than a list of robotic activities that do not reflect my emotional state.

As part of a to-be list you might find yourself honing in on some meal-planning, scheduling in some exercise and planning a phone call with someone you love

As part of a to-be list you might find yourself honing in on some meal-planning, scheduling in some exercise or planning a phone call with someone you love. Small things that have a great impact and actually lead to more productivity.

When we focus on how we want to feel rather than what we need to do, we are in a much better position to feel energised and ready to tackle some of our responsibilities that day. Of course we cannot neglect work or hope the house will take care of itself - but by taking care of ourselves we in turn give our responsibilities the best of us. We give our family and friends the best of us. And in turn, we have a better day.

This week why not consider changing your approach to lists. Let's get back to basics and remind ourselves that we are thinking and feeling beings. How we feel is the most important indicator in our lives. It has to come first.