You shall go to the ball! However, in this case, it’s because you’re playing ball girl for your kids’ tennis game instead of nipping off in a coach like Cinderella… Not that we’re complaining, anything to get them away from their devices is a win in our eyes.

Here are five other ball games to play in your backyard that will keep them busy this summer.


Think you have a budding NBA star in your house? Pick up a basketball stand that’s the correct height for your kids and a ball that fits their little hands and let them bounce around your patio to their hearts' content. The first one to get a basket gets to pick what’s for your dinner (just hope they choose a takeaway).


Want to improve their hand-eye coordination without risking your windows getting smashed? Swingball is a popular two-person game that involves taking it in turns to hit a tennis ball and send it spinning around a pole. It’ll bring out their competitive side, release any pent-up energy and is perfect for Wimbledon season.


When your kids have their friends around, football is a great option to wear them all out. However, if they’re bored and their mates and siblings are busy, a "soccer kick trainer" is one way they can improve their kicking skills. The football is attached to one end of a cord and the other end is held by the player and they can then train solo with no risk of having to run round to the neighbours asking for their ball back.


Want a game that can be enjoyed by all ages? A foam cricket set is a great way to get all the family together. Don’t be scared off by the fact that test matches can last up to five days... In this version, all you need to do is take it in turns to bat and throw - by getting a lightweight set even little ones can have a go at defending their wickets. Just make sure the family dog doesn’t join in.

Ball Pit

While it’s not a game as such, babies and toddlers love their ball pits, so to make sure they get plenty of fresh air why not simply bring it outside. They can practice their own version of dribbling and you can even help them with some gentle throwing and catching with their colourful balls. Before long they’ll be taking on the big boys and girls!