Keeping the romance alive in any relationship takes work.

When your work life has you like two ships in the night or having babies has left you feeling less like lovers and more like teammates in the game that is parenting, figuring out how to keep the romance alive can feel like a struggle.

But this is the exact time when little things can make a big impact on your connection and keeping the spark in your relationship alive.

It doesn’t have to be big gestures or costly but going a little out of the ordinary for your partner during the madness will show them how much you care about them.

Here are some little things you can do to keep the romance alive:

  1. Make them their morning coffee.

    Is there anything better than your morning coffee? There is one thing- when it is handed to you. If you are up before your partner make them a coffee. And if they’re in a rush pop in a to-go cup. It’s a warm little sign of love they will feel for the entire day.

  2. Send them a text.

    As stressful as your day may seem you can be sure your partner's day is too. If you have a quiet minute at all send them a text reminding them you love them and that you’re in this together.

  3. Help them when they need it.

    It is easy to spot when your partner is struggling a little. If they always do one job like put the kids to bed or clean up after dinner perhaps offer to do it. It will show them that when you are feeling that way they can return the favour.

  4. Fill the car with petrol when it needs it.

    Arguably the worst job in the world! But how great does it feel to hop into the car and your partner has filled the tank? It's annoying but if the light turns on, fill it.

  5. Leave the TV off.

    Even one night a week - leave the TV off when you get home from work or the kids are asleep and chat. Talk about each other’s days and what’s on each other’s minds. It will help you to feel so much more connected and on the same page for the rest of the week.