2020 has been an exhausting year. Not only has it been emotionally gruelling, but it has been a physical drain on our energy levels, leaving many of us incredibly fatigued.

Sleep disruption has crept into our lives and many of us are experiencing the upheaval caused by these new poor sleeping habits. This serious loss of sleep is more common than you may think. The primary cause of our trouble sleeping is the intense stress we have all been under since the early days of the Pandemic.

We are living through a lack of routine and constantly questioning what we can and can’t do with restrictions and lockdowns. There's also the emotional turmoil of missing loved ones, losing out on celebrations, and wondering when this will ever end.

We are overburdened and overwhelmed to the point of struggling to relax our minds and bodies in order to sleep well.

But, there is some hope if you are having trouble sleeping. Here are five tips that could help you finally get a great night's sleep.

Fight Stress

Covid-19 has brought about intense stress and worry for us all, which has seriously impacted our sleep. Fighting the stress brought on by the worries of the pandemic is necessary for a good night’s sleep. Replace negative thoughts and behaviours with ideas and activities which support relaxation.

Keep a normal routine

It may feel tempting to let all rules fly out the window this year and hit the snooze button repeatedly. But maintaining a routine not only helps our often-cluttered minds, but also prepares our bodies for a period of rest.

Get daily exercise and fresh air

Exercise reduces stress levels and maintains our bodies normal rhythms helping us to fall asleep easier. Topping up on vitamin D keeps those circadian rhythms in check meaning we produce melatonin, the sleep hormone, at night. 

Keep a bedtime routine

Binging another boxset may seem enticing at 10pm but certainly doesn’t help to keep to a routine. If you are conscious of your alarm going off in eight hours, make sure you keep to a bedtime routine and get enough zzz’s in. Slow down in the evening and avoid bright lights, devices, and switch off the news.  

Don’t eat past 7pm

2020 has given us plenty of reason to comfort eat but to ensure your body has the ability to truly relax come bedtime, avoid eating past 7pm. Give your body enough time to digest food to ensure a relaxed sleep and try to avoid caffeine and alcohol.