Kellie has five children so this idea has been tried and tested.

We absolutely love discovering a new parenting hack. Anything that saves time, energy and money literally makes us giddy. Mum of five Kellie Kearney is a great source of just that. Yesterday she shared details of her "boot basket" (at least that is what we are calling it) and it is going to be a game-changer this summer.

Kellie is always out and about with her little brood. They love visiting parks, landmarks and attractions all over the country and we love following their adventures. With all these adventures, however, comes a certain level of planning and prep. Just last week Kellie mentioned that a lot of people ask her how she manages to get up and out of the house so early with the kids, and we think we've found the answer. The secret, we feel, is in a little basket in the boot of her car.

Yesterday, following another busy day of adventures, Kellie was re-stocking her "boot basket" and decided to go through the items she has in it. We are so delighted that she did because we are going to create our very own. So what is a boot basket I hear you say? It's basically a basket, in the boot of her car, with everything a parent could need in the event of an emergency, toilet troubles, a weather change, an injury or a snack attack. We were nodding along to her Instagram story thinking about all of the times we needed one (or several) of the items Kellie listed.

The idea is so simple in principle and yet it had never dawned on us before. Some of the items in Kellie's basket include plasters, spare underwear and clothes for all her children, paracetamol for all ages, sun cream, plasters, wound spray, spare nappies, wipes, toilet paper, a fully charged power-bank for her phone, hand sanitiser and a variety of snacks and treats for the kids.

Do you ever just hear something so simple that you know is going to have a profound affect on your life? Thanks Kellie - we are on it!