Kids always seem to be running around, and us chasing after them, but the energy our kids expel at bedtime can’t really be considered adequate exercise for any of us. The motivation to get up, out, and active can wane easily when we spend our days juggling the many hats of parenthood.

Our kids need about sixty minutes of physical activity every day to sustain a healthy lifestyle, with adults needing 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every week. It’s not always possible to fit this amount of exercise in with school, work, homework, mealtimes, and downtime. So what are the easy and fun ways to become an active family?

Don’t Make It Complicated

Simple tweaks in our daily routine can easily add some good exercise to our day. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Leave the car at home and walk to school. Make kitchen discos a weekly event.

Take It Outside

The garden can be an adventure like no other and a green space makes it surprisingly easy to incorporate exercise into our day. Have the kids help with gardening. When they’re weeding get them to tick off a checklist of bugs they spot. Older kids can mow the lawn. And of course, there is always the trampoline!

Go Back To Your Childhood

Play classic games together like skipping, hopscotch, kerbs, kick the can, or rounders. Draw out a chalk obstacle course or do a treasure hunt in the garden. Not only are these games fun, but they certainly get the heart rate going!

Walk, Hike, Climb, Explore

Kids can surprise you with how far they can walk, so don’t underestimate their little legs! A walk, hike, or climb can be fantastic fun and excellent exercise for the whole family. There are many open farms to explore these days with wonderful walking trails and fun activities throughout. Not only an excellent day out but great exercise all in one.

Take Out The Bike

Or the scooter! Become a more active family by finding a scooter-friendly park and bring your wheels - and that includes mam and dad.

A Little Bit Of Yoga

And if running around with the kids is not your idea of fun or too demanding with smaller kids, then why not take part in a weekly family yoga session. The simplest way to do this is to push the furniture back and pop on a Yoga YouTube video!

Find The Balance

Exercise can feel like something we need to tick off our list, but remember that there are times when all we need or want is to relax and watch a movie together. The idea is to find a balance and ensure everyone gets adequate exercise.