Read these top tips and share them with the other ladies in your life.

Going for a cervical smear examination can be an overwhelming experience for some people, especially if you are a first-timer.

A lot of ladies postpone the test because of fear or shyness. If you’ve not had one done before, it’s hard to know what to expect and you might be too anxious to ask your friends or female family.

We’d like to break the process down for you and let you know how quick, easy and very important it is to book and attend your examination. It's so important that all women aged 25 to 60 know of the importance of free, regular cervical screening as this is the most effective method to reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer.

Here are some simple steps for a happy Cervical Check smear test:

Did you know that Ireland provides free, regular smear tests for all women aged 25 to 60? If you’re in the age range, please take advantage of this free service.

It takes seconds to check when your smear test is due, register, change personal details or find a convenient smear taker at or Freephone 1800 45 45 55. It takes just seconds to perform the exam itself.

Okay honestly, it’s not the most enjoyable or comfortable situation to be in, but for a few seconds versus faced with the alternative of not checking your health, it’s so worth it.

Did you know that Ireland provides free, regular smear tests for all women aged 25 to 60?

It is reassuring to know that Cervical Check look for early changes to cells that could one day become cancerous. If changes are found early they can be treated, making cervical cancer a truly preventable cancer. This is what’s so important for us to know.

The nurse or doctor wants you to be happy, comfortable and healthy. They are professionals. If you are nervous, let them know. Tell them when you go in, before you undress so don’t feel too vulnerable. It’s a good idea to wear a skirt/dress to make it easier to change.

At any time, if you are uncomfortable, just let them know. It can help some people to chat during the test or for others they prefer to think about something completely different. Don’t be afraid to listen to music on earphones if that’s a calming influence for you.

Afterwards, make sure to treat yourself to something nice. You deserve it. You’ve taken the wise step having a cervical screening. Maybe arrange to meet a friend for coffee afterwards to share your experience, buy yourself a new top, or go and see a movie – any little treat that you like and can afford.

Please ensure your screening is up to date and make your family and friends also aware that they can check when their next smear test is due at

Help spread awareness and encourage those that you care about to get regular checks!

Together we can all make a difference.