Doing chores is an invaluable way of teaching children responsibility and the value of money, but as parents, there is nothing worse than having to pester your kids to help you around the home. 

As a mum who is fighting a constant battle of trying to get my kids to do the odd job or to just clean up after themselves, I can see why this mum's chore chart has hit the headlines - and now I want one. 

An Australian mother has created an ingenious family chore chart for her children which rewards and fines her children depending on their behaviour. 

With the aim of getting her daughters to help around the house, Keira Alexander designed an excel spreadsheet to teach them a sense of responsibility.

The spreadsheet which is fluid and flexible awards points for picking up dog poo and hanging out the washing and deducts points for not washing your hands after using the toilet, being rude and telling lies. 

The ingenious chart allows them to earn five points for basic daily activities such as brushing their teeth, doing homework and making their school lunch while general household chores like vacuuming can earn them up to fifty points. 

"The fines are there for accountability," the mum of one explains to MamaMia. "They can't just tick off every reward on the chart and not have repercussions for bad behaviour."

Bonus points can also be earned throughout the day for doing all their basic chores in one day, kind behaviour, excellent listening and for practising great sportsmanship. 

With her girls aged six and eight, Keira tallies the points at the end of day and adds them to running total at the end of the week. 

The Aussie mum rewards her girls with things like ice cream, sleepovers, screen time and takeaway, but of course, they have to spend their points to retrieve such luxuries. 

And since starting, Keira and her partner have noticed massive changes in how their daughters deal with discipline. 

"Yesterday [one of the girls] told a little lie. Usually, we'd get into an argument about it, but this time I said to her, '100 point fine, do you know why?' She straight away answered calmly, 'Yes, because I told a lie.'"

"Both of them are now learning about the value of money," she continues. "Not just from a sense of things cost money, but from a sense of having to earn it themselves and how long it takes them to earn that much."

"There is now a direct correlation for them between what something costs, and what it's actually worth to them. And I think that this is one of the biggest lessons for them with this."

Since sharing her post on Facebook, parents have been quick to comment, and the response has been divided.

One parent said: "It's good to teach kids discipline and respect but to fine them is a bit unfair."

While another wrote: "I think it's brilliant. Especially with spoilt, entitled brats of today, parents need to go back being tough."

A third said: "Awesome. She will raise some respectful, self-sufficient adults."

What do you think of this family chore chart? Personally, I think its a great idea and if it means I have to stop nagging them to pick up their clothes - I'm all over it.
