During the week we announced a St. Patrick's Day competition with Children's Books Ireland.

Yesterday was a day that was good for the soul for so many reasons. It was not the St. Patrick's Day we had all planned for and it ended on a poignant and overwhelming note with Leo Varadkar's nation address. It was, however, a day that highlighted the sense of community spirit that prevails so strongly in Ireland. When Irish people are told they cannot attend a parade, they create a parade at home. We make the most of every situation and we do whatever we can to inject some magic in to our children's lives. We're Irish. It's what we do.

During the week we announced a St. Patrick's Day competition with Children's Books Ireland. The "show and tell" competition was created to give you and your children an opportunity to showcase your celebrations, outfits and crafts from the comfort of your own home. We received hundreds of entries and a variety of uplifting photographs and images from every corner of Ireland. It was a beautiful thing to be part of.

Here are some of our favourites

Christine Clinton just had to share a photo of her little Leprechaun. Brilliant!
Joanne Grogan let her kids transform the house in to a toy parade and it is so heart warming. Look how happy he is!
We hope you saved us some Jefiner?
Kate, Lucy & Harry brightened up our day with this beautiful photo of their window art!
Dorota from Tallaght sent us in this gorgeous photo of her children who were enjoying the festivities at home.
Una Courtney just had to whip up a full Irish for her gorgeous kiddos.
Ewelina shared her daughter's beautiful St. Patrick's Day outfit. Doesn't she look fantastic?

And The Winner Is...

Choosing a winner wasn't easy. There were a huge number of incredibly unique, funny and creative entries. We loved your patriotic outfits, the face-paint, the window art and the beautiful parades in your garden. Some shared music, some shared drawings and others included their favourite pet who enjoyed celebrating St. Patrick's Day at home with the family.

In the end we chose this entry as the winner. It really spoke to us because it spreads the very important message of social distancing which is imperative at this time. It reminds us that during this time play-time is going to be so important in Irish households and that learning really can happen through play. So let's take the advice, protect eachother and stay safe at home with our precious loved ones. Please get in touch with us and we will organize your bundle of books from Irish Authors and Illustrators from Children's Books Ireland.

Happy St. Patrick's Day from our family to yours.

Vicky Burke's Lego Social Distancing Parade Made Us Smile. Congrats Vicky!