For years, my lot has refused to eat a majority of fruits and vegetables and being a strict vegetarian, I could not get my head around it.

I always modelled the number one tip recommended by many experts of eating a healthy balanced diet with lots of fruit and veg, minus the meat around my young children.

Mealtimes have been a challenge for me, at some time or another, and if I am honest, it felt like I was fighting a losing battle at times. However, recently I changed things up again and decided to experiment with a little more with flavours, textures and most importantly, how I presented fruit and veg to them.

By making my kids' meals visually appealing, breakfast, lunch and dinner in my house is nothing like it was before that's why I can see how this mums little hack worked wonder for her fussy eater.

Mum of one, Jane Stine posted on Facebook how she noticed children's stickers and other cartoon branding on various food items throughout the grocery store. And after a light bulb moment, she decided to use it to her advantage. 

After watching for weeks while shopping with her three-year-old boy, Jane who is also a teacher saw how supermarkets used clever marketing skills to entice parents to buy specific items for their kids. However, this Jane decided she was going to play them at their own game. 

"Here's my best parenting hack," she wrote. "You know how kids always want Paw Patrol yoghurt or Disney waffles or whatever? Bring your own stickers to the grocery store and start sticking."

"Today we’re having Winnie the Pooh brand spaghetti squash. It goes perfectly with Toy Story broccoli," she concluded.

Sounds so simple, right?

Jane post has captured the attention of parents around the world and has since gone viral with over 110,000 shares across social media while also attracting over 15,000 comments.

In the comment section, one mum thanked with one announcing, "Tonight we're having unicorn cauliflower!'

While many praised her parenting hack saying, "It's absolutely genius."

But, of course, it is the internet where perfect parents do exist, with one saying, "Don't give in or give another option, my son eats everything and always has - there's no need for these silly stickers."

How do you encourage your kids to eat fruit and veg?