Refreshing things is always a good idea but unless you have a money tree outside you may need to be mindful of your budget.

If you have been living in your property for a few years, chances are you need to update your bathroom or maybe you are simply bored of it. Refreshing things is always a good idea but unless you have a money tree outside you may need to be mindful of your budget.
So how do you make your bathroom look stylish again on a budget? Here we give you some tips:
Decide on the theme and make a budget – Before you start, get an idea of what it is you want, to achieve in your bathroom space. What colours do you like and what is trendy for bathrooms at present? It doesn’t have to be decorated in the latest “must have” items or colours but you may want to stay on trend, however, be warned trends fade fast! Write up your budget and plan for every little or big item you need to buy. Once it is made, stick to the budget to avoid any problems later.
Painting or tiling – Of course, it is best to have a bathroom fully tiled but, in some cases, your bathroom may be part tiled with some paint on the walls. Changing tiles can be time-consuming and expensive so instead use the tiles that are there but clean them up properly and make them shine. You could replace the grout or if possible, paint the tile entirely but do check if it is possible before you buy the paint for the tiles. If the budget allows, invest in some new tiles and if you can tile the whole bathroom. Failing that a fresh lick of paint always works well.
Fixtures and fittings – Updating the fixtures and fittings is one great way to bring the bathroom area back to life. There are so many sinks, baths and accessories to choose from now and though you may not have it in the budget to get a new sink or bath you could replace the fixtures - taps and shower heads. They will instantly look better and once you deep clean your bath and sink – as well as the bathroom after the updates, it will look incredible.
Remove, replace and update – You probably don’t need half the stuff in your bathroom anyway but if you are updating, get rid of the old stuff and either replace it or do without. For all the shampoos and other bits needed for the shower look at your storage options and make the bathroom as minimalistic as possible and promise yourself you’ll keep it like that. Take old shower curtains away and replace them, change your mirror or update it by adding a stylish frame around it and finally, replace the bathroom mats, towels and facecloths. Buy new toothbrush holders and other accessories needed. Changing the lighting can be another cheap way to brighten up the bathroom. Don’t forget the toilet seat either. Try and show around for the best prices – for what you want and get the items together.
Think storage solutions – As mentioned, if you can hide everything away, the bathroom will look tidier and more stylish. So, invest in some storage solutions that match in with your bathroom concept and design. You may have some storage solutions currently and perhaps, consider updating them (if you can) and change handles or the exterior. Get some shelves and be creative with ways to hang towels or cloths etc.
Enjoy your new bathroom!
Emma Hayes is a thirty-something mum of two girls aged 16 and 10, planting her right into the teenage and tween-age years! Follow her on Twitter at @EmmaHayes25.
