We now know more than ever before that using too many chemicals in the house is not good for your health or the environment.

However, some people are unaware of how to tackle the cleaning without using shop-bought chemical cleaning agents or detergents. The good news is that cleaning with natural ingredients is easier than you think, and it still cleans the house in the manner you would expect.

Cleaning without chemicals is also an opportunity to use less plastic in your home as a lot of your cleaning will be done in a reusable bottle and with homemade products. 

Here are some tips on how to clean your house without using chemicals:

What to use:

For cleaning naturally, there are some household ingredients you may have at home that are perfect for the job at hand. Some of these items include: 

  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Salt
  • Coke
  • Lemon
  • Essential oils
For cleaning naturally, there are some household ingredients you may have at home that are perfect for the job at hand.

DIY Cleaners

A vinegar-based cleaner is a good glass cleaner that almost everyone knows about. It can be made simply by mixing water and vinegar. Use a spray bottle diluted half and half with vinegar and water. It works incredibly well and leaves the glass sparkling.

If you don’t fancy the vinegar concoction a simple mix of washing liquid and water will clean glass. There isn’t much soapy water can’t clean and in terms of making the most of what you have at home, this is a good idea to get things clean! Another tip is to use old newspapers instead of paper towel. 

For oven cleaning (a job most people hate) there are ways to do it without using the harsh chemical cleaners that can be bought in the store.

Baking soda works well with water to make a paste before putting it in the oven and leaving it for a few hours as you usually would. The horrible smell won’t linger like normal oven cleaners and it isn’t going to burn your hands either. 

Coke is great at cleaning stainless steel and metal, though many refuse to believe it. The truth is, any stainless steel soaked in Coke will come out looking brand new!

Mop floors with our friend, vinegar and add some nice essence oils (of your choice) for the lovely smell with a bucket of hot water and you are all set!

You can clean the microwave with a hot bowl of water - literally! Close the door before turning it on for a two to three minutes with the hot bowl of water inside.

Check if the dirt inside comes off the tops and surrounds and if it doesn’t turn the microwave on again for another two minutes. This is so easy and absolutely no chemicals! Add slices of lemon to the hot water if you like the citrus smell after your microwave is clean. 

Vinegar is good for cleaning toilet bowls and squirt plenty into it before scrubbing with a toilet brush as usual. Easy!

Think of the planet.

One of the other things to consider is using too much paper towels to clean up. Instead, buy cloths that can be washed and used again. Use old clothes as cloths especially for the dirtier jobs like cleaning ovens or sticky items.

Invest in reusable bottles and avoid using too much plastic in your home. Buy items that cost more but will last longer like wooden dish brushes, washable sponges and microfibre cloths.