Who would have thought that something so easy to make could be such a revolutionary way for your rooms or cupboards to smell nice?

It's time to throw away all of those aerosols, air fresheners, and even those expensive diffusers once and for all, because we have discovered a glorious DIY deodoriser that will get rid of those lingering smells you can't seem to get rid of.

Whether it's the area near the dog's bed that always seems to reek, or that shoe cupboard that could do with a nicer scent wafting through the air when you open it up - you need to try this simple yet effective household hack.

An Australian mum, parenting blogger Mama Mila, has shared her two-ingredient hack with her followers on TikTok, and it is so simple to follow, saves you money, and is great for the environment.

To create your own DIY deodoriser, all you have to do is:

  • Get a mason jar (one with holes in the lid)
  • Add one cup of uncooked rice to the jar
  • Choose your favourite essential oil, and add 10 drops to the rice
  • Shake it around - and that's it!
  • Here's the link to the easy-to-follow video

According to Mila, your new smell can last between four to six months, which means you might only have to change the jar two or three times a year. And as it includes materials you probably already have in the house, it'll save you so much time and money.

As always, be sure to leave this DIY deodoriser out of the eye line of small ones and pets, just in case they manage to get their hands or paws on them.