According to Kelly this truffle recipe is yummy and super easy to make.

We just love creating delicious treats for our little families. It's been one of our "tools" during lockdown. The whole ritual of sourcing a recipe, prepping, making and (most importantly) eating it together is proper quality time. We have never baked so much in our lives.

Social media is brilliant for inspiration and Instagram totally delivered for us today. We pretty much love Biscoff anything so this was always going to be a good time. Biscoff truffles are 100% happening this weekend and we cannot wait.

We love following Kelly Fitzsimons in general. Her feed is full of fashion, lifestyle and parenting tips that we really look forward to. In recent weeks she has been dabbling in some food content and we are loving it. When we came across this recipe for Biscoff truffles we were massively excited. Anything with three ingredients is right up our street. In Kelly's words

"these are so yummy and SO easy to make"

Who doesn't love an easy recipe? The quicker we can get it from our brains to out mouths the better, right? Kelly's recipe video gives a step by step guide but it is literally a case of melting some chocolate, crushing some biscuits and adding some cream cheese. We're getting cheese-cake vibes here and we very much approve.

At the end Kelly drizzled a little Biscoff spread over the truffles and it just about tipped us over the edge. These look like the perfect treat with a cuppa and we'll be putting it to the test this weekend.

Thanks for another great recipe Kelly. You had us at Biscoff!
