When babies are teething, we will try anything to soothe their sore gums. One tip shared on The Parent Pack has gone viral in recent weeks.

With signs like excessive drooling, bright red cheeks, disturbed sleep and of course sore gums it can be a very upsetting time for parents too.

Teething products to help alleviate the symptoms come in their thousands and every parent has a hack to share but this one tip shared on The Parent Pack has gone viral in recent weeks. 

One mum recently shared an image of her squeezing Ella's Kitchen Banana & Coconut puree on to greaseproof paper on a baking tray into various shapes including circles and hearts. She then advises parents to pop the tray into the freezer "for fun, frozen, yummy teethers," which sounds amazing, right? 

The Facebook post reads: "Now this is an awesome hack! Squeeze yummy baby pouches onto greaseproof paper on a tray and pop in the freezer for fun, frozen, yummy teethers! So soothing on baby gums! A nice treat for the summer months." 

"We have seen this idea around this week and as usual, The Parent Pack had to make it our own! We made lots of cute shapes suitable for little hands!" 

"One pouch makes loads of teethers! We are obsessed!" 

"We used this yummy Ella's Kitchen banana and coconut pouch." 

However, unlike whole fruit, fruit puree is high in sugar which can put your child at risk of tooth decay. 

One of our favourite simple alternatives to puree pouches includes chilled melon, watermelon and ripe mango sliced into wedges

"Please always use your own judgement when offering your child teething solutions," the post concludes. As you can imagine, many praised the clever thinking teething hack but as a mum of five, trying to offer healthier alternatives where possible, I would personally have to pass on the plastic puree pouches and they cost a fortune too. 

There are so many easy and simple recipes out there on the world wide web that will not only relieve you teething baby from teething pain but will also hydrate and keep them cool in the summer months, if not all year round.  

One of our favourite simple alternatives to puree pouches includes chilled melon, watermelon and ripe mango sliced into wedges or long fingers. It's gobbled up every single time.  

Not only are they a great way to get something nutritious into your little ones over the age of six months, but these are also great for toddlers and older kids too and can be pre-cut in advance and stored in the fridge. Try it next time your baby is teething, they will adore it.