Maternity leave is a special time at any point in the year. Here are some great ways to enjoy a summer maternity leave.

Maternity leave is such a special experience no matter what the time of year is. Having that dedicated time to adjust to motherhood and get to know your baby is essential. It affords you both the time to bond as well as helping the entire family adjust to this new change in dynamic.  

If you are in the middle of enjoying a summer maternity leave (or hope to have some time off over the summer) here are some lovely ways to enjoy this time with your precious baby.  

Take A Trip Into Town  

Willingly accept any childcare offers that have come your way (for older children) and head into town for a special day for just mammy and baby. Hop on a bus or DART to avoid any driving or parking stress. Browse in your favourite shops and enjoy a frothy coffee sitting on a bench somewhere as you watch the world go by.  

Have A Family Picnic  

Eating Al Fresco is a lovely experience, but it is even better when the location is somewhere that is a little bit special. Big open spaces afford older children the opportunity to run wild and have lots of fun while you can eat, feed the baby and enjoy some time outdoors with your family. There are so many benefits that come with outdoor time for both children and adults. 

Big open spaces afford older children the opportunity to run wild while you can feed the baby.

Make The Most Of Free Events  

Summer can be an expensive time when you have other children to care for as well as your baby. Make the most of free events in your area. These events tend to involve buying a treat or two but when there is no admission fee you might manage the day better. Pick up some treats to take with you and limit the number of rides/treats that the kids can have while there. Local libraries and museums offer excellent free events such as daily movie screenings and storytelling. Getting out of the house will benefit everyone.  

Enrol Older Kids In A Camp With Zero Guilt 

Enrolling older children in a summer camp has so many positives. It will prevent your children from complaining about feeling “bored” and will give you some proper quality time to enjoy with your new baby. Term time is full of activities and fun experiences for children and a summer camp might just take the edge of things for everyone.  

Buy A Play Centre Monthly Membership 

When family and friends offer to buy the baby a present, why not suggest this? A play centre membership works out at as little as €20 for a month of unlimited visits for one child. This will keep older kids entertained while you can enjoy a coffee or read a book while your baby naps. It will also lead to fewer issues around screen time if you are out of the house for a big chunk of the day.