The word toy is synonymous with fun. For this very reason children are not going to be happy if you get in between them and their favourite kind. 

The word toy is synonymous with fun. For this very reason children are not going to be happy if you get in between them and their favourite kind. 
Parents across the world are uncomfortable with their children playing with certain toys. Some limit the time they allow their children to play with these toys while others completely ban the toy. 
It might sound OTT to some people but here are some real examples of toys that parents do not like their children playing with. 
  • Guns -Some of my friends think I am being dramatic but I am really uncomfortable with my kids playing with guns. We all grew up playing cops and robbers but gun crime is a very real problem in our society and it just makes me uncomfortable so I don’t allow it.  
  • Dolls - I don’t mind my daughter playing with dolls but I would hate for her to feel like she HAS to play with only dolls and “girly” toys. For this reason I strategically “hide” her dolls every now and then and give her access to toys like tools and cars so that she knows she can play with anything she wants. 
  • Fortnite -It’s a video game and most of my son’s friends are allowed to play it but it is banned in our home. It’s the latest craze and kids as young as six are playing it daily. We don’t like it because it’s highly addictive and it is a violent video game. Simple as. 
  • Plastic Toys -Our kids have a tonne of lovely toys but about two years ago we got rid of all plastic toys and we now gravitate towards wooden toys. Plastic toys can contain hazardous materials such as lead and arsenic and children love to put toys in their mouth. They also hugely affect the environment and the plastic industry hugely contributes to world poverty. It comes with it’s challenges but plastic toys are a non negotiable for us. 
  • Barbies -She’s wearing make-up, mini skirts and has an unrealistic body dimension. I don’t see any good that can come from allowing my kids to play with them. 
Written by Tracey Quinn staff writer at Family Friendly HQ. Tracey also blogs at