When you have a fussy eater to contend with, it’s so easy to feel frustrated and powerless when your toddler simply refuses to eat certain foods. When you may have spent hours preparing something nutritious for them and yet they still refuse it. We get it! We are here to help with our top tips for coping with a fussy eater.

When you have a fussy eater to contend with, it’s so easy to feel frustrated and powerless when your toddler simply refuses to eat certain foods. When you may have spent hours preparing something nutritious for them and yet they still refuse it. We get it! We are here to help with our top tips for coping with a fussy eater!
Most children go through a phase of fussy eating, whether it’s picking at their food before pushing their plate away, eating a few favourite foods, or full on refusing to eat at meal times you’re not alone. Around ninety percent of children go through at least one stage of fussy eating.
While it can be frustrating when a child rejects the food we give them, it’s actually the way that we deal with the situation that impacts on their eating habits.
Remember, you are not alone! Keep trying out new ideas and eventually you will see positive results. Also remember this is a normal, albeit difficult stage of development for your little one!
Get them involved
Most children adore cooking and tasks like squeezing fresh orange juice or cracking eggs are well within the capabilities of a young child. It’s amazing how being involved in the planning and preparation of a meal can stimulate a child’s appetite.
Try and hide your frustrations
This is easier said than done, we know! But, instead of losing your patience, give them lots of praise when they ate well or tried something new. Yes, this may mean that you have to ignore some of their bad behaviour and instead focus your attention on their good behaviour, but by doing this, mealtimes are likely to be less stressful and more enjoyable.
Keep healthy snacks at the ready
Hungry toddlers have no time to wait for fruit to be prepared! Have some fresh fruit or veggies washed and cut on a low shelf of your fridge so they are ready and waiting for your little one, when hunger calls.
Get them involved
My little ones love to be involved in the cooking and washing fruit or cracking eggs are well within the capabilities of a young child. It’s amazing how being involved in the planning and preparation of a meal can get them excited to eat it.
Eat together
Your little ones love to mimic, it’s how they learn. Eating together and sharing the same, or parts of the same, meal can create a really positive atmosphere all around. When your little one sees their family (especially siblings) enjoying their meals, it can be enough inspiration for them to give it a go themselves! 
Written by Staff Writer Laura Doyle. Laura is a mum of four and also blogs at www.lovelifeandlittleones.com