Everyone gets angry and children are no different- here's how to help out.

Everyone gets angry and children are no different to adults and struggle to manage their anger and emotions at times. The important thing to remember is that children learn a lot of their behaviour from their parents and from their home, so if your kiddie is becoming angry and lashing out maybe it is time you evaluated how you all behave at home. There are things you can do to help your child and hopefully with a few of these tips it will ease your nipper’s woes and your frustrations.
  • Recognise the signs and try to intervene before your child’s temper gets the better of him/her- Parents know their children better than anybody so you are the best person to recognise the signs of your kiddie’s anger. Once you know the signs it allows you to be ahead and try to intervene and calm your tot before things get out of hand or at least not let the situation boil over.
  • Find the source of the problem- Most children get angry for good reasons but others will lose their mind over simply not being allowed a new toy which obviously is unacceptable. Remind your child that if they really want something they will have to wait and throwing a tantrum will not help matters, remain consistent and don’t back down to avoid a scene as this will only add fuel to the fire. If your kiddie is genuinely angry for a very real reason (like their best friend has found another pal) you need to offer them help and support, allow your tot to be upset but remind them that lashing out at others will not be abided.
  • Remain calm at all times- Easier said than done I know but it is imperative that a parent remains cool and calm in the face of their child’s fury. Two people shouting and roaring at each other will not clear the problem up, alternatively sit down to your kiddie’s level and calmly speak to them. Ask your child what can you do to help? Don’t nag or be authoritative, just be a listening ear and try to let your child open up. 
  • Problem solve together to find a solution- There is usually a perfectly good solution to any problem but children haven’t necessarily learnt how to deal with their issues and that is where parents come in. Teaching your nipper how to deal with problems and showing them how to deal with them are very important lessons, be a good role model and your child should follow suit.
  • Use their favourite toy or blanket as a comfort to calm your child or to distract them- Every kid has a favourite item and it can be very useful to use this in the face of a major meltdown on your child’s part. Having their favourite thing can be really soothing or asking your child to play a game or to read a book together can go a long way in calming an irate child.
  • Give them some time to think but stay close by- If your child needs it let him take some time alone but remain close by, it doesn’t mean you are punishing them rather you are allowing your child time to think and gather their little thoughts. Give them a few minutes and ask your child if you can come in to their room for a sit down, calmly talking about what just happened and how to move forward together.
Children will always get angry, sure even parents do but be there for them and hopefully their anger will dwindle which will make life easier in the long run.