The chickenpox vaccination is not part of the national vaccinations schedule.

The chickenpox vaccine is available to order and request privately for you or your children. The vaccination offers protection against the virus that causes chickenpox and is therefore administered to prevent a person from that infection.
The chickenpox vaccination is not part of the national vaccinations schedule. This means that when your child is born they will not be entitled to protection from this virus. The vaccination schedule offers a timeline of vaccinations free of charge for your children and the chicken pox vaccination is not included.
It is, therefore, a personal decision and must be financed privately. There can be a great difference in prices from GP to GP as well as the different clinics that offer the vaccine. You should consult your practice to inquire about an overall price to have it ordered in and administered for you or your child.
There are a number of reasons why a person will choose to avail of the chicken pox vaccine. For the most part, chickenpox is a common childhood infection that mostly contains mild and manageable symptoms. It is generally an infection that people only experience once due to the immunity they develop after they have been exposed to the infection.
Those who have a weakened immune system or who are undergoing intense medical therapy may be more at risk of complications arising from Chickenpox. This may be a reason to avail of the vaccination. It is also a potential reason for the people around them to avail of it also.
Chickenpox can also be very serious for an unborn baby if a pregnant woman catches it. It can lead to serious birth defects. In early pregnancy, a woman’s blood tests will show her immunity to this disease.
If she has never had chickenpox or does not display immunity to it the vaccination may be recommended for the safety and well being of her baby. In this case, it may also be recommended that any other young children in the house are vaccinated also.
The chickenpox vaccine is very effective and has a 9/10 success rate after a single dose. A second dose is now recommended for all to encourage an even better success rate and response in terms of immunity.
The vaccination involves being injected with a very small amount of the virus that causes Chickenpox. This will encourage the body to produce antibodies that will protect the body against the chickenpox infection.
There are very few side effects to be expected after the vaccine. The injection site may be sore and red and in very rare cases a mild rash may appear. As with all vaccinations, there is a one in 100,000 chance of a severe allergic reaction.
In European countries such as Germany, this vaccine is part of the childhood immunisation schedule. It is considered to be a very safe and effective vaccine with no known no long term health implications or risks.
Tracey is a happy mammy to four-year-old Billy. She is a breastfeeder, gentle parent and has recently lost five stone so healthy family eating is her passion! You can find her at