Each child naturally develops differently and some kiddies are smaller than others.

Every parent needs to monitor their child’s growth, and while the public health nurse will keep a track and let you know if there is anything to worry about, it's good for you to know. 
Each child naturally develops differently and though some kiddies are smaller than others it may not mean anything is wrong. Here is information on your child’s growth through the years ahead:
Most children are about three times their birth weight by the time they are a healthy one-year-old, but this is only an average measurement as other kids can gain the most weight after they are one. There are some things to remember here too as if your child was premature or sick it is natural that they may not gain as much weight as full-term babies or healthier ones. This is something your doctor and health nurse will offer advice on.
Babies who are being weaned are encouraged to eat a healthy diet and once they are beginning to walk and roam it is vital that parents encourage a good and healthy lifestyle.
Some tots may be heavier than others because they are less active and though most toddlers spend several hours a day being active others are happier when relaxing. Of course, it is important that youngsters are encouraged to be active and if you are worried about your child’s weight, your doctor or health nurse can advise on this.
With your child’s check-ups whether with a doctor or health nurse they will routinely check your child’s weight and height. They will also check your child’s head circumference before noting these details, so they can track any changes and react quickly if something flags attention.
Continued good nutrition and sleep habits make growing easier on the body.  
School-going kids:
After age two most children continue to grow at a steady pace of on average 6 cm per year until they reach adolescence. Usually, most kids go through mini growth spurts and though this sounds silly, kids tend to grow quickly during the spring! Growth is a natural thing, but it helps if your child is eating healthy and is active. 
At this age, some youngsters tend to not get enough sleep which is vital for growth. Some kids can be picky eaters and again, this can cause a few issues so consult your doctor if you are at all worried.
Tweens and Teenagers:
Once the beginning of puberty hits (usually between 8 to 13 years of age in girls and 10 to 15 years in boys) growth spurts follow. As puberty can last from 2 to 5 years it causes the body to transform massively with sexual development. This is a time where parents recognise their baby changing from the kiddie to a grown up and more mature look. 
Boys grow facial hair and girls begin menstruation to name a few changes. Young girls can find this time difficult as ever girl develops differently, and it can cause stress, the same stands true for young men.
However, the same rules apply and each teen should eat well, exercise and sleep for at least 9 hours each night to aid their growth.
Emma Hayes is a thirty-something mum of two girls aged 16 and 10, planting her right into the teenage and tween-age years! Follow her on Twitter at @EmmaHayes25.