There is nothing that instils fear more in parents than the realisation that you must begin potty training! It is a time that fills parents with worry, but the truth is it isn’t as hard as it seems. Here we have compiled a few tips on potty training your daughter and signs that she is ready too. 

There is nothing that instils fear more in parents than the realisation that you must begin potty training! It is a time that fills parents with worry, but the truth is it isn’t as hard as it seems. Here we have compiled a few tips on potty training your daughter and signs that she is ready too. 
Signs that your daughter is ready to begin potty training:
She isn’t comfortable in her nappy anymore and is looking to wear big girl pants! Most little girls love getting the new pants and feeling like a big girl. If your daughter is unhappy with the nappy feeling it is a good sign that she is ready to begin potty training. 
She is asking to try her potty. One of the best tips is getting a potty for a youngster from a young age so she can get used to having a potty around and it may instigate interest. Generally, girls begin potty training around the age of two but again this depends on each kid. Some kids have shown an interest in potty training from the age of 18 months whereas others prefer to try it around 2 and a half or even three years old.
Tips on potty training success. 
  • Pick the best time to start. If you are working parents, unless your child is going to a childminder or a family member, it is probably best to begin potty training while you are on holidays, so you can maintain a routine with your kiddie. Furthermore, pick a time when your child is most relaxed and if she becomes stressed at the thoughts of potty training abandon the plan and try again in a few days. 
  • Buy a cute potty. It helps, girls, love nothing more than a cute potty and one that they feel comfortable with. If it helps place a potty in every room or if you have a downstairs bathroom you could go for the toilet insert – but some kids find these intimidating. 
  • Show your daughter. This may seem crazy, but kids learn from their parents and as dad uses the loo differently, it is up to mum to share their toilet tips. Let your daughter watch you use the loo and how you wipe your bum and wash your hands afterwards. Make it fun with a bubbly soap and remind your child of germs if they don’t wash their hands after using the toilet. 
  • Don’t forget the rewards. Your daughter will love to be rewarded for her efforts and you can’t go wrong with a few stickers and a reward chart. Once your daughter does her first wee on the potty, this will mean a huge amount of celebration. 
  • Stay consistent and remain calm. Your daughter will have accidents, and this is perfectly normal. Don’t make a big deal of mistakes and offer words of comfort as your daughter may be sad about her failure to make it to the potty. Be reassuring and tell your child that they will get better with practice. 
  • Keep at it. There will be bad days and good ones too that will worry you. The truth is it takes time, but you will not have a teenager daughter who can’t use the toilet! You will get there one way or another. 
Written by Emma Hayes staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at