Games that are the perfect remedy for "boredom" while you are on a family road trip. They'll keep everyone smiling, or at the very least they'll keep everyone awake

So you have spent months organizing a road trip to enjoy with your family. Hours of research, planning and preparations in the hopes of some quality family time for everyone. There is something powerful about leaving your regular environment and routine in favour of more fun and games.

We go easier on ourselves when it comes to domestic jobs that need doing and the same can be said for bed times and meals. Everything is just a little bit looser and in that arena we allow ourselves to enjoy each other more. Particularly when it comes to our children.

But first we have to get to our destination. This can often involve a long trip of some description. As we prepare for a long drive, train ride or flight we can be quite confident that we will be met with the word "bored" at some point. A seemingly innocent word that has the power to send parents over the edge. It usually strikes in the middle of a situation that is related to quality family time.

Road trips are prime "I'm bored" territory and it is always a good idea to have a little toolkit to turn to

Children have a funny way of failing to notice the effort that us parents put in to days out, activities and trips that have the sole purpose of making them feel happy. Road trips are prime "I'm bored" territory and it is always a good idea to have a little toolkit to turn to.

Here are five games that are the perfect remedy for "boredom" while you are on a family road trip. They'll keep everyone smiling, or at the very least they'll keep everyone awake.

I Spy

Let's start with a classic. You didn't need a reminder about this one because it's always in the bag for trips to the supermarket to avoid a "danger nap". It is an oldy but goody though. I spy involves very little effort from adults and tends to be a very competitive game for the kids.

We're Going On A Picnic

This is a memory game that tends to be a lot of fun. The first person starts the game by saying "I'm going on a picnic and I'm going to bring..." followed by a food choice. The next person repeats the sentence and adds on their own food choice. As the game continues each "contestant" has to list everyone else's choice as well as their own new one.

Guess The Celebrity

The person that is "on" takes on the role of a celebrity and answers questions as that person but without saying who they are. The others must take turns to guess who they are and the person who guesses correctly wins and is then "on".

The Silly Rule Game

Everyone in the car gets to make a silly rule that everyone has to obey throughout the car journey. Popular examples include "everyone has to clap their hands when we pass a truck" and "make a Cow noise when we pass a field". You get a point for every time you have followed the rule.

Create A Story

Create a story together as a family. You can use another nearby car as inspiration and as each person adds on another detail you've got yourself a pretty intricate made-up story that will involve lots of random unconnected facts and tonnes of laughs as a result.

The Alphabet Compliment Game

Go through each letter of the alphabet using each letter to prompt a compliment about someone else in the car. "A is for Mummy's amazing dress" and "B is for Lauren's beautiful smile". It is a feel-good game so what is not to love?

A Spelling Quiz

What is it with spelling and kids? It ignites a very competitive streak in them. Why not try a themed spelling quiz? Use their favourite movie or book to inspire the words in this quiz.

Family Rhyme Time

One person says a sentence and the next person adds another one that rhymes with the first. Before you know it you've got a hit song/rap/rhyme that was a total team effort.
