Nothing can be worse than when you are utterly exhausted, and the kids are hanging around screaming for your attention. 

Nothing can be worse than when you are utterly exhausted, and the kids are hanging around screaming for your attention.
This usually happens after a night out or indeed, a rough week at work.
However, we have been there and as we have lived through many a bad day we have some great tips on managing through it.
Here are some of the things you can do with the kids when you are exhausted:
  • Go to the cinema - Ok, so it means getting into the car and driving to the cinema or walking but you really don’t have to do too much once there especially if your kids are movie lovers and won’t speak a word while there! It is a good way to kill a few hours and you can even have a nap while there, just don’t let the kiddies see you. If you snore, please ignore this advice! Or you may get popcorn thrown at you!
  • Throw them the tech - This is smart! Give your kids some technology and sit with them while they use it. At times mention what is happening on the screen or what they are doing before heading back into your sleepy state. The kids will think you are paying attention to their games and while you are there with them you can rest. If your child offers for you to play too, answer honestly saying you couldn’t possibly be better than them so why bother?! Most kids will love this answer and accept it. Younger ones will probably lob it at you anyway and scream at you to play. Just do it and do it quickly. Be happy that at least you are on the sofa.
  • Have a movie day and night - Get loads of movies and grab the kids with their blankets for a movie marathon. This is even better if there is a collection of movies they would love to watch. Everyone can take over the living room with blankets, teddies and goodies too before settling on a few hours of movie madness. 
  • Get a takeaway - You are exhausted, it isn’t time to be worried about nutritional values as no one can keep to a healthy diet all the time! Be a little bad and get a takeaway with the kids. They will love having a treat and it seems like you are doing something with them even though it is eating. You can eat your takeaway while watching Netflix sure!
  • Send them to their Grandparents - I am not joking! If you can call your parents and ask them to take the kids out for a few hours (or days) so you can catch up on some sleep, this is ideal. Asking now and again isn’t a big deal and the kids will love spending time with the grandparents anyway. While this isn’t spending time with you, you will get to wave them good bye before gleefully heading for the bed. Also, it is advisable to note you are a better parent when rested so you are doing the kids a big favour!
So some of these are cheating but who cares?!
Written by Emma Hayes, Staff Writer, with Family Friendly HQ.