Finding time for your relationship when you become parents is really important but it is unlikely to feel like a priority when you have a newborn, baby or infant. The majority of your time and energy will go towards caring for the baby and adjusting to this new life you’ve been introduced to. 

Finding time for your relationship when you become parents is really important but it is unlikely to feel like a priority when you have a newborn, baby or infant. The majority of your time and energy will go towards caring for the baby and adjusting to this new life you’ve been introduced to. 
When it feels natural to start introducing a date nightback into your life you will want to make the most of it. The time will feel precious and the level of organization and logistics involved mean that it really is important that it all feels worth it. 
When trying to plan a date night, one of the biggest obstacles for parents is the financial element. Chances are that a babysitter will have to be paid and this puts a bit of pressure on making sure that the actual date doesn’t break the bank. 
It sounds a bit wishy-washy but the most important thing about a date night is to connect with each other. To take some time away from everyday domestic life and enjoy each other’s company. For this reason, there really is no need to spend huge amounts of money. 
Here are some date night’s that are cheap but wonderful. They’ll provide a great platform to enjoy each others company without adding financial pressure to the family. 
  • The good old cinema. It may not be an ideal date choice for a new couple who are getting to know each other but sometimes just snuggling up, having a munch and experiencing something together is enough. And truth be told sometimes you both may feel too exhausted for a night of chat anyway. Just being together is enough. Just not having a child steal your chocolate is enough. To save money keep an eye on the online saver deals and sneak in a few treats. We buy popcorn at the cinema but take in our own chocolate. You gotta do what you gotta do! 
  • Go out for breakfast. Seriously, date nights can totally be date mornings. If you think about it you are probably at your best in the later morning anyway. By evening the tiredness catches up on you and can often make a date night more of a challenge. There is something really exciting about having a fancy brunch as a treat. You can head to the spots that are NOT child-friendly and feel zero guilt.
  • Coffee, cake and a good old chit chat. Is there a nice cafe you regularly notice but can’t brave with the kids? Well, why not save it for a little date with your other half? There is something beautifully simple about coffee and cake with someone you love.
  • Do something touristy. We live in Dublin and regularly joke about the fact that someday we would love to see the city through the eyes of a tourist. We’ve joked about doing the hop on/hop off Dublin bus tour and actually we plan to do it very soon. We’ll have a laugh and fall in love with our city again together.
Written by Tracey Quinn staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at