Here are the best rainy day activities that will keep your kids entertained all day long.

It can be difficult to keep the little ones entertained at the best of times but when the rain hits and getting out of the house is a little more challenging, it can be frustrating for you and your kids. Today, we're bringing you the best rainy day activities for all ages.

It is always a good idea to have a ‘survival kit’ for when the rain hits. Again, for you and your little ones! The trick is to keep them out of sight and reach until they are needed so they will be entertained for hours when you need it most. 

Create your own town.

If you have a cardboard box, you’re halfway there. Some art and crafts shops even have road marking tape and railway track tape. Open up the cardboard box and lay it flat and then literally map out a full town. You may even enjoy it as much as the kids.


The local library really is a hidden gem. Look online and see when they will be having storytime or arts and crafts and bring your little ones.


An easy one but effective. Throw on some music (I recommend the ‘Trolls’ soundtrack) turn it up and have a disco in the living room. Get those endorphins flowing and burn some of the endless energy your little ones have!

It is always a good idea to have a ‘survival kit’ for when the rain hits. Again, for you and your little ones!

Clear out.

It may seem like a bad time to do a clear out while everyone is on the house but once you start clearing boxes you will be surprised at how many toys your little ones have forgotten about and it will keep them occupied for a couple of hours.

Watch a movie.

How often do you actually sit down with a big bowl of popcorn with your little ones, close the curtains and turn a movie on? Now is a great excuse to make some family memories. 

Make some cards.

Arts and Crafts never fails. Why not make some cards for the people they love and they can give them to them when the rain stops?

Take out the rainy day activities emergency kit.

We first made our rainy day emergency kit after struggling with what to do when going out is not an option. Whether the weather is too bad or one of the little ones is unwell, it is always a good idea to have some bits to fall back on. You can include things like:

  • Paints
  • Stickers
  • Crayons
  • Beads and twine 
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Glue
  • Glitter
  • Paper