It can be quite a tense time as teenagers are busy, tired and in some cases stressed out.

It's back to school with a bang for exam year students who are straight into thinking about their mock exams. These will be here in no time and usually happen around February/March. It can be quite a tense time as teenagers are busy, tired and in some cases stressed out. As a parent, it isn’t easy either as you try to resist the urge to pressure your teen to study or hold back your thoughts on their work ethic. Getting the balance is vital but it is not an ideal situation for parent or teenager either. The good news is thousands of teenagers do this every single year and they manage-as do their parents.
Here are a few tips in preparation for the upcoming mock exams and we wish you and your kids the very best of luck!
  • Help your teenager- A few words of wisdom in your kid’s ear can go a long way in helping your teenager. Sit down with them while they are working and ask them about their studies and what they are doing today. Remember the old saying a problem shared is a problem halved so even though you may not be able to do the work for them, they will feel relaxed knowing you are there with them if they need you. Your teen may seek your advice in an essay or tell you about their day, this goes a long way in keeping up a good and healthy attitude to exams.
  • Be a supporter to them- Be helpful, don’t argue with them about the amount of work they are doing or not doing. Try and advise them but be open to letting them figure this out themselves especially for the mocks anyway.
  • Ensure they eat well- Eating well is vital for any school going kid but one who is going through stressful exams should be eating the right foods and ones that are full of nutrients. Make sure their school lunch is healthy and their evening meal is good too and they should beat off any illnesses that plague people.
  • Get them out for exercise- Don’t forget all teenagers need exercise and sitting in four walls every single day studying is not advised. They need to get out in the air at least every day for 30 minutes. Walk the dog, go to the corner shop or do a run around the block! Anything to get them active and away from the books for some headspace.
  • Look after their mental health- Mental health is important and it is known that more and more teenagers are having mental health issues. Don’t let this become an issue and keep a close eye on your teen. If you do notice anything worrying talk to your child and to a doctor/teacher.
  • Work with their teachers- Discuss your child’s progress no matter what and work with the teachers to ensure your teen is doing as well as they can.
Remember that exams are important but so is your teenager’s health and no exam should dictate the rest of their lives. There is ways and options around everything so ensure your teen knows this and that you love them no matter how well they do.
Written by Emma Hayes, staff writer with Family Friendly HQ