Here are a few tips here for you and your family to bring magic even to the older kids

Christmas is on it's way soon and it is exciting and stressful in equal amounts! However, it is a wonderful time of year and one that should be cherished and enjoyed. For parents, having younger kids is great fun as the magic is well and truly alive but once the nippers are older and not so "magically" enthused, it changes things slightly. Though that doesn’t have to be the case and there are ways to keep the magic alive for older kids and teenagers. This means everyone still feels the seasons great power of magic and love which is what it is all about really!
Here are a few tips here for you and your family to bring that magic everywhere with you…
  • Use the sayings and the words of Christmas- Though your kids are older you can still use the words connected to Christmas. Talk about “Santa Coming” and the “Reindeers” even though your kids are older they can still enjoy it like Christmas is meant to be enjoyed. Sing the Christmas songs and be a good role model, be excited and they too will be!
  • Enlist your kids to spread magic to the younger ones- Older kids usually love younger kids and will revel in their apparent delight at Christmas. Encourage your kids to spread the joy and take part in the magic.
  • Embrace giving and receiving- Christmas is about charity too and while receiving is great you should teach your older kids the gift of giving to those less fortunate. Include them in the trips to food banks and ask them to help prepare a hamper for older people and vulnerable people.
  • Keep up traditions, no matter how silly they are- Don’t drop the silly traditions because the kids are older. Leave out the reindeer’s food and Santa’s cookie. Let Elf on the Shelf wreck the place and do it just the same as before. Prepare hot chocolate and Christmas inspired food.
  • Insist on Santa lists- Insist that the kids still write out a letter to Santa and leave them on the fireplace as they have always done. Keep up the “Santa won’t come if you are bold” and encourage everyone to enjoy the season.
  • Keep the kids on their toes- Surprise the kids with magical Christmas events, go to markets, ice-skating and of course, the panto! Plan for family days regardless of their age and revel in the magic. Have a shopping day to gather up gifts for family, play a game were everyone has a fiver to buy each other a gift in 30minutes on Christmas Eve and watch Santa movies once home with mince pies.
  • Enjoy every bit of the season- Wake everyone early as there is only one Christmas day and jump on their bed in excitement! Rush down the stairs excitedly together and take turns opening gifts. Be happy and spend time together as a family. The magic of Christmas is alive no matter what age your kids are and they learn from you!