With the summer holidays fast approaching - some of your teens might need a little extra cash

With the summer holidays fast approaching - some of your teens might need a little extra cash...
I remember when I was a teenager and I had a part time job! I loved it. I loved the independence, the responsibility and of couse - the few bob! With the summer holidays fast approaching you might be considering encouraging your teen to get a little job. If so, here’s some ideas that are guaranteed to give them a sense of achievement, learn the value of money, and save you a few quid also (which is always a good one)!
House Jobs
This could be to hoover, clean,  wash the car, tidy the garden... some extra pocket money for some help around the house will be much appreciated and the help come in handy for you too!
It could be babysitting younger siblings, neighbours children, relations or for your own friends. Babysitting is a job that will always be in constant demand and the pay is great!
Saturday job
Many shops or food outlets look for extra help on their busiest day of the week. It might be stacking shelves, taking in stock, clearing tables or serving customers.
Dog Walking
Busy neighbours with dogs may welcome help with keeping their pooches active. They could walk just one dog, or a few together depending on their level of confidence and age and it gets them some great exercise and fresh air.
Grass cutting
In the summer, grass always needs to be cut...
Car Cleaning
Many people lead such busy lifestyles, so don't have the time to really take care of their cars - they could offer a weekly or monthly service of washing, waxing, hoovering, etc.
An IT Tutor
Are they a whiz with computers and the Web? Well, many adults are not, and they could make a good earning helping people learn 
A baking service
Do they enjoy baking? How about birthday cakes, cupcakes, biscuits? They could take orders from family and friends
A painting service
If they some experience -they could paint. People are always looking to upkeep their homes- especialy in the summer... and they could paint exteriors in the summer months: decks, fencing, surrounding walls...(get a sun tan too!)
Do they play golf? If so then maybe they'd like to caddie for the summer at the local golf club? Make sure they are in good shape. The golf bags can be heavy, and the weather can be hot (hopefully!), so it is critical that they are in good enough shape to spend 4+ hours or more on their feet.