With the summer holidays coming to a close, you may be wondering how you and your little ones can get back into a regular sleep routine.

Sleep for most is a puzzle that is hard to crack. With going back to school, sleep is essential for a productive day. But how much sleep should your little one be getting at night?

1-3 years old: 12-14 hours

Soon after your little one turns one, they will drop an early morning and evening nap and just have one slightly longer nap in the afternoon. Upon starting playschool/Montessori, you may see that nap increase a little.

Toddlers usually need around 14 hours of sleep per day. This age group usually go to sleep between 7 pm and 9 pm and wake between 6 am and 8 am.

3-6 years old: 10-12 hours per day

At this age, sleep times and wakes up are the same as above. Most children still need a nap at aged 3 but don’t by age 5/6. Naps generally become shorter at this stage and sleep becomes a regular routine by about 3 years old.

Try to remember, sleep is still as vital to a child’s well-being at this age just as when they were younger.

7-12 years old: 10-11 hours per day

At this stage of childhood, bedtime starts to get increasingly later. With school, homework and after school activities it is inevitable, really. Although at this stage, bedtimes range from 7.30pm-10pm and an average of 9/10 hours of sleep per night. 

12-18 years old: 8-9 hours per day

Try to remember, sleep is still as vital to a child’s well-being at this age just as when they were younger. It remains an important part of growing up, so try to get as much sleep as possible at this stage of development.