Whether you are dreading your child going to school or you can't wait, the first day of school is a special one that should be remembered.

There are two types of parents, the ones who dread the day their little one starts school and the ones who can’t wait. 

I think it depends on if it’s your first or any sibling after that!

Whichever parent you are, one thing we all have in common is knowing that the first day is a special day. One we want to mark. 

Taking pictures on the first day is somewhat a tradition among parents and here are some ideas of pictures you should take on their first day:

Fake it

The first day of school can be a busy one, especially if you have other children. Have a mini fashion show in the weeks before school and take some pictures then. This means you won’t be too stressed about getting a picture on the morning of. If you do manage to get one on their first day, it’s a bonus.

If you are allowed into their classroom on their first day, try to get a picture of them in their class.

Use a prop

If like me you have 4 children, it can be easy to forget which picture was for which class. Having them hold a prop is both adorable and practical. Try a small chalkboard or whiteboard and write which class they are starting. Have them hold it and you will never forget!

Their handwriting

Another adorable and memorable idea is to have them write their class or their name on the whiteboard they’re holding. It will be a nice memory to have. Do it every year to see how their writing changes too. 

In the classroom

If you are allowed into their classroom on their first day, try to get a picture of them in their class. Sitting at their desk is a classic.

Graduating T-shirt

If you are up for the same picture every year, another great idea is to buy a t-shirt with the year they are going to finish school in the size you think they will be then and have them wear it from Junior Infants every year until it fits!