If you are planning to breastfeed your twins it is understandable that this may come with a sense of anxiety. If this is your first pregnancy the idea of breastfeeding, in general, will be very new and possibly daunting. 

If you are planning to breastfeed your twins it is understandable that this may come with a sense of anxiety. If this is your first pregnancy the idea of breastfeeding, in general, will be very new and possibly daunting. If you have breastfed in the past and this is your first twin pregnancy then the idea of breastfeeding more than one baby will be very new and daunting also. 
It is totally possible to exclusively breastfeed your twins. This is something that a lot of mothers have done really peacefully. 
With the right amount of preparation, knowledge and support you will be on your way to breastfeeding your two beautiful babies. Here are our very best tips to help you prepare for it. 
  • Remember that your babies are individuals. This means that they may experience difference preferences or challenges. Being aware of this may help you spot any challenges and find a solution a lot sooner.
  • Give yourself a comfortable feeding space. You might consider purchasing a feeding chair or perhaps a little table to place beside your regular spot on the couch so that you can easily reach snacks, remotes etc while you are feeding.
  • Remember regular feeding is key. Many lactation consultants will say that babies should feed at least eight times in any twenty-four hour period. Feeding on demand should take care of this. Regular feeding will build your supply and help you and the babies learn together.
  • Try not to stress too much about routine and schedules. This is something that people will tell you is vital when you are raising twins. While you get to grips with breastfeeding it might be better to take a relaxed approach and accept all offers of help and support while you do what you gotta do.
  • Many twin mothers find it easier to latch one baby at a time. When one twin is comfortable and feeding well you will feel more confident about latching the second twin to the other breast. As the babies get older you may notice that one wants to feed more or less than the other. That is OK too. 
  • Join a breastfeeding group. You might be lucky enough to meet another twin breastfeeding mum but regardless you will be surrounded by mums who “get it”. They will be able to offer help in the form of their own stories and even a helping hand if you need someone to hold one baby while you position the other.
  • Enlist the help of a lactation consultant who will be able to thoroughly help with latch concerns and issues. They will also be able to advise on positions that make nursing twins a lot more comfortable and effective.
  • Be patient and kind to yourself. This is a brand new experience for you and the babies. Giving yourself space and privacy to figure that out is vitally important. Do not be afraid to set boundaries when it comes to visitors as you may not feel ready for that until you have mastered the art of feeding your twins.
  • A twin breastfeeding pillow works really well for some people. Anything that makes you feel more comfortable and confident is worth the money.
  • Don’t forget to fuel up. You are feeding two babies – don’t forget to feed yourself. Have plenty of snacks to hand, try to eat a healthy balanced diet and don’t forget the water because breastfeeding is thirsty work.
Written by Tracey Quinn staff writer at FFHQ who also blogs at www.loveofliving.ie.